She chases me all around the arena, breathing such hot fire, that smoke began forming in the arena. Trapping me with her claws, she prepares to blow me to bits.

Suddenly, a piercing sound cuts through the air. I recognize the sound.

'NO! TOOTHLESS DON'T! THE'LL CATCH YOU!' I roar to a certain, angry, dragon.

The Nightmare is thrown off by a midnight black dragon. "TOOTHLESS! RUN!" I yell.

Toothless didn't listen, he shrieked and clawed at the Nightmare. 'Don't you DARE hurt MY Hatchling!'

Finally, with one last swipe, the Nightmare retreats and the smoke clears.

I run over to him, 'Alright, Toothless, go. Get out of here!' I urged and pushed him to go, but he remained next to me.

His eyes turn into slits as Vikings run into the arena holding weapons. "NIGHT FURY! KILL IT!" They yelled.

"Go! GO!"

"Take it alive!"

"Dad! NO!"

"No, Dad, he won't hurt you! No, don't! You're only making it worse! Toothless, STOP!" I desperately yell over the battle cries.

Toothless shoots off, wrestling the Vikings to the ground.


"Get him!" Someone yells.

"No! Please, jus- just don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him." I yell as Toothless is captured. I wanted to go to Toothless, but the teens were holding me back with shocked faces. Astrid was smirking.

"Put it with the others!" My dad snarles. "Give me Toothless back!" I scream, kicking and thrashing.

"I should have known. I should have seen the signs." My dad says, fuming. "Dad-"


Everybody was staring now.

"I know we did... But that was before... Ugh, it's all so messed up!" I wanted to pull my hair and yell desperately.

"So everything in the ring... A trick?! A lie?" Dad demanded.

"I screwed up. I should have told you before now. Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please... just don't hurt Toothless." I say desperately.

"The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?!"

"He was just protecting me! He's not dangerous!" My temper started rising.

"They've killed HUNDREDS OF US!'"

"AND WE'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM! They defend themselves, that's all! They raid us because they have to! If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves. There's something else on their island, Dad... it's a dragon like-"

I realized my mistake, but it was too late. "-Their island? So you've been to the nest." Dad snarled.

"Did I say nest?" I try covering up my mistake.

"How did you find it?!"

"No... I didn't. Toothless did. Only a dragon can find the island." Oh... no... me and my big mouth.

"Oh, no, no. Dad, no! Dad! It's not what you think!" I burst. "You don't know what you're up against!"

"It's like nothing you've ever seen! Dad, please! I promise you that you can't win this one!" My dad pushes me off and heads to the main hall.

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