"What about you?" She kids. "Intentionally injured, I suppose."

"If you must know, I tried to fight off warriors getting too near for comfort to the anklet."

Her smile tightened and she looked away. What kind of coward was she really, a rifle had stopped her from protecting something that could possibly hinder their entire goal. Sometimes she really couldn't understand Jett's logic, but hopefully, there was a good reason behind it.

Or was she simply powerless?

"Did I say something wrong?" Jess turns her head in Leo's direction to find him staring at her guiltily. "I mean-I didn't actually mean it." He stutters.

"No. I was just thinking about the anklet."

"Don't worry yourself out. I'm sure Jett has got it sorted." The sheer idea of Jett, makes her hand fling towards the earpiece. It's a bit concerning to see that no new messages have come in since she had Abelyn fix her rifle.

Jess' hand lingers softly, pressing against the earpiece. There's also a bracelet hidden on her wrist in case any messages come in the form of text, it's the same for everyone, but yet, the device remains motionless.

Abelyn pokes her head in, "Jess, don't know what you've done to the rifle, but it's fixed now. I would let you test it out, but Aspyn's got other plans."

"About that." She nods, "Thanks, but I think my earpiece is broken too."

Something in Abelyn's face clicks, "Oh, no, the signal is chopped off down here. Messages aren't supposed to be transmitted, which is why Aspyn called me through my controller which is adapted to work in this area." Abelyn bring Leo and Jess out of the beige door and into a more secluded tunnel pathway. "Come on, the others are waiting."

The first thing Jess notices about the second or likely considered the first underground hideaway once they arrive is the fact that it's much more modernized, rather than the antique, dusty surroundings of the previous one.

The technology highly resembles the facility in the control room of the castle back in Covia. It surprises her that they most likely have several underground passages which lead them back to something as high tech as this.

She nearly stood in shock when Abelyn, Leo and she had finished walking the passage only a few moments before this. Jess stood before an elevator, which led to a high-speed monorail ride, and eventually, a sliding, vacuuming compartment which removed the grime.

"Aspyn." She nods, joining the other girl in what looked like a digital control screen.

"Hello, Jess." Aspyn greets, not bothering to look at her. "Covians and lavines are taking refuge for the night while Mason, Jett and I formulate a more accurate plan now that we've had a brief sneak peek of Avinian capabilities."

"Can we help?" Ellie asks from her seat, the entire idea seems to empower her as she speaks.

"There is no help whatsoever I feel you can offer. Us three have been analyzing them for years. Your knowledge will be insufficient."

Scar snickers, "If you ask us to help save Covia, at least let us, help."

"We're a team. Everyone is useful." Jess ignores Scar. "Plus, I've found a focal point located in the same area of each warrior. It's pretty hidden, though."

"Already figured out." Mason's voice resonates from the machine. "We're also discussing a way to help protect the palace."

Jess scours her memory of something that might help. Although Scar thinks he must be included in every important discussion in existence, Jess, herself, feels like this 'discussion' is an important method of analyzing her enemies.

Maybe it's taken her Covia to come to break out of her shy exterior. She wasn't really breaking out of her exterior, though, but simply thinking she could do it was enough.

She needed to be able to offer something to the table, "And I think I've got a method to wipe them out real quick since most of them are cloned anyway."

Louis speaks, "I think I've got the castle part covered. Mason showed me his plans while I was panting in one of his lessons, and I've got an improvement suggestion."

Aspyn actually seemed to be considering their proposals, but Jess knew better than to hope and cross her fingers. Instead, Jett's voice saves her. "Walker, vela Torpez, welcome to the discussion."

"You won't be disappointed." Jess' newfound temporary confidence is radiating.


"Louis, that sexual innuendo doesn't even make sense." Is her next response.

"Right," Aspyn takes a seat first, shuffling through a few papers filled with discreet handwriting that Jess could only assume was hers. Maybe she had finally grown accustomed to the group. And maybe some sympathy. "Let's hear those suggestions of yours." she mutters, "And get this over with."


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