Ellie looks at the microphone attached to the tip of the metal undetachable watch that came with her suit. It was the device that allowed her to communicate to the control room, and to Jett. "Jett." She utters into the device. "This is no practice. Avinians have found their way to the entrance, the real war begins. Now."

Jett speaks. "Copy that."

"Aspyn." Brea nods at the overflow of warriors knocking down the barrier. "They'll break the shield. We've got to open a portion, or the whole shield comes down. Which will allow them to enter Covia from every direction."

Aspyn grabs the tiny mic strategically camouflaged within her suit. It's on her wrist. Her suit is a long bodysuit, that reaches the tip of her arms. Underneath it, she hides the microphone, which is attached to it like a sensor. "Jett."

"Of course your majesty." Ellie can almost see him nodding at her remark. Completely disagreeing, but nodding. The shield opens. Apart of it, at most, but still, Avinian warriors pour in.

There are at least a billion of them.

Ellie can outrun all of them, but she chooses not to. Instead, she places her rifle in rapid fire and quickly shoots underlying targets, or easy shots just to thin out the crowd. Most of her team happens to have a piece of neon fabric around their necks as a part of their suits which helps her recognize the difference between an ally and enemy in the spur of a moment.

Jess is in the air, out of sight. Until of course, somebody knocks her out of battle. The ratio between Covian to Avinian is most definitely not even, it seems as if Avinian warriors are cloned to produce such a mass amount, but nevertheless, the score seems to be turning more or less even as the fight continues.

"Let's try to push the fight to the outside of the Covian shield." Aspyn yells over to her, "The citizens are taking the collateral damage."

"Jess." Ellie yells, pulling her friend up while running to a safer location. "I need you to do something Aspyn won't approve of."

"Since when the rebel?" Jess smiled, covering up the bleeding spot on her arm where the gunshot hit her.

"I'm sorry, and I love you very much as a friend," Ellie yelled over the noise. Instantly, she took a levitating Jess and used her strength to ricochet her out of the boundary. She crossed her fingers, this had to at least throw them off. Jess screamed as she whizzed by.

She knew one thing. The main target was the anklet. Only, nobody but Avine could detect its presence, and Avine was certainly not here. Lying was a weakness just as much as a strength.

Once Jess was considerably quite far away from the opening of the border, Ellie yelled at the top of her lungs. It was a risk. Jess' life, perhaps. "SHE'S GOT THE ANKLET!"

Scar had the anklet tightly tucked as a bracelet, underneath a wide Sterling rubber band, but no one knew that.

Instantly, five thousand Avinian warriors chased after a scrambling Jess, who was running for dear life. Sorry. But yet, it had gotten every single living Avinian out of the Covian boundaries. "Come on!" Ellie yelled, harnessing the Covians to follow their path, "We should probably protect Jess."

They nodded, taking off running, others, levitating to aid Jess. Ellie had a half goofy smile on her face, it had worked. "Jett." She whispered into the microphone as she exited the boundary in a hassle to check up on the friend she literally threw. "Close the boundary. Keep them safe."


"Ellie!" Aspyn called as she started punching soldiers in the faces, and knocking others out. Quickly, she took out the Avinian attempting to tackle Aspyn. "What you did to Jess was brave, and successful. But, never, do that again without telling anyone. If it's too big a risk, do not do it."

"Yes, cap." She ran off. A war-stricken Scar ran beside her, the gun levitating above him shooting warriors that came too close to them, and taking out as many as possible. The one advantage of being a Covian, you weren't all strength. She saluted him as she passed him by, and he returned it with a nod.

Leo had draped Jess' arm over his shoulder to help her walk. Warriors were closing in on them. Ellie quickly shot down the two who had guns aimed at Jess' weak arm. "Scar!" She yelled. "Can you cover us, I'll fix Jess' arm."

He nodded just as she shooed Leo off to speed up the war. It felt as if they were running into an endless path of warriors. Luckily for them, they had gotten Aspyn's attention, who was now circling around them while Ellie attempted to patch Jess' blood gash from becoming any worse as quickly as possible.

"Sorry." She whispered as she wrapped a tight gauze bandage over the gash. The red blood seeped through the material but it would keep it sterilized. For now, at least. "Aspyn can heal that with her technology, but this will have to do for now."

Jess nods. "Oh Ellie, please remind me never to cross you again. I'll see you around." And with that, she instantly took off. Jess was utterly powerful and could still control three guns at once despite the injury. Maybe it had been a mistake to throw Jess out of all people, but she seemed like the only option the Avinians would actually believe.

Her microphone flashed brightly. A message. From Jett.

Aspyn's found a way out. All I need you to do is guard Jess, and make sure nobody dismantles any of her guns.

Another message.

Good luck.

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