Chapter 40: Fairy Wings

Start from the beginning

"Serena's Eevee's hurt!" My Eevee rushed up to her, along with my team coming back from their fights as well. All of the Pokémon were now looking around in confusion, and Zeref was on the ground unconscious.

"I'll handle this." Natsu ignited his hand.

"No, Natsu!" Lucy grabbed his wrist, lowering his hand gently. He blinked when he looked at her expression, and complied immediately.

"Wait...look!" I said. Serena had a hand on Eevee's back, and a blue outline of a familiar ribbon appeared from Eevee's tan fur. It touched Serena's arm. She then turned into a bright light, and everyone widened their eyes in shock. It took a few more seconds, and the light faded to reveal a newly evolved Sylveon.

"Woow!" Wendy said, coming up to Serena. "Eevee's a Sylveon now!"

"That's evolution, right?" Mavis asked. I nodded. "And...Eevee evolved from being so close to Serena."

That's when I felt my Sylveon's ribbon on my wrist, and she cried softly in happiness. Lucy giggled. "That was truly amazing to see. I hope I never forget any of it."

I gulped, making sure no one saw it.

I felt a wave of heat then, and Flareon was also behind me and Sylveon. He flinched though, and I saw a bite mark on his flank. I crouched down to him. "You got into quite the fight, huh?"

He nodded, flinching again. Sylveon gave him a worried look, and cried questioningly. But he just nodded and cried back. She used one of her ribbons and stroked the wound, clearly worried about him. I blinked in surprise.

"LOOK OUT!!" Erza yelled to us.

A Hyper Beam threw us all in different directions, and I held Eevee in my arms as other members did with the rest of my team. I looked up when we stopped moving.

"Is everyone okay?" I grunted, pushing up from the ground.

"Yeah..." Lucy grabbed her head in pain again. "How long are they going to fight?"

A cry from Sylveon shut us up. I whipped my head to look at her, and she was trying to push a giant piece of land off of Flareon. He was unconscious.

"Flareon!!" I screamed, rushing up to him. I tried to lift the heavy stone, but just grunted and didn't move it an inch.

"Step back, Ellie!" Gray said, and nodded to Natsu before they lifted it up and threw it to the side with ease.

Flareon didn't move at all. I crouched down to him, and touched his yellow fur. It was cold. "No..." Sadness overcame me. "Flareon!" Tears fell as I realized what he was.

"Is he..." Lucy forced out. I picked him up and caressed him, crying into his bushy fur. I heard other girls from the guild sob along with me in sadness. "It can't be..."

Natsu started growling, and I looked up with tears in my eyes. "Natsu..." I forced, feeling something in my heart. "Wait."

He did when Sylveon started to glow with light next to me. Her warmth in my body made my sadness go away completely. Everyone took a step back in seeing what was happening. I stared as Sylveon glowed brighter and brighter. She then opened her eyes slowly, and two giant yellow wings grew from her upper back. I even noticed her pink emblem was emitting its own glow.

Celebi then fluttered down to her, and she looked up with glowing blue eyes. She flapped her wings, rising up from the ground, and following Celebi up to the two giants who were struggling to stand up now. "Fairy Wings," Mavis said. "Sylveon created her own spell. Or move, if your talking Pokémon attacks."

"Fairy..." I took a breath. "Fairy Wings."

"It's beautiful..." Serena said. "I've never seen such an attack."

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