"Luciel, nothing is working." Jessica said with a sigh as she ran a hand frustratedly through her hair.

"That's strange. You should be getting at least a few channels. Keep flipping through."

Jessica tried a few more times and a channel finally came through. She rolled her eyes.


"It's a kids channel." Jessica said with a huff. She helplessly kept flipping and there were a few more channels but they were radio talk shows that she cared nothing about.

"Let your inner child emerge!" Seven said with glee. She could almost imagine him with his hands in the air as he spun around in his office chair.

"That's easy for you to say. You're not locked in an apartment with only a few stations, the other ones worse then this." Jessica turned the television off and stood up. She leaned back and stretched.

"That is true. But if it helps I am technically enslaved by my job! They make me work so many hours! The only good thing is my honey Buddha chips." Jessica heard a bag crinkling as it was ripped open and she listened to the crunching of chips.

The phones screen went black and Jumin's caller ID appeared on the screen. "I have to go Luciel, I'll talk to you later."

"Whill dho!" Jessica ended the call with Agent Seven and picked up the CEO's sons call.

"Good afternoon."

Jessica looked at the clock and saw as it turned to exactly twelve pm. "Good afternoon." She said as she picked up her phone and made her way to the kitchen to make some lunch. "Did you get my text message?"

"That is actually why I am calling." Jessica opened the fridge and found some premade potatoes. She pulled them from the fridge and closed the door. Her phone began to vibrate, showing that a text chat was in progress. She chose to ignore it, she could always read it later.

"Oh really now." She said with a small smirk as she poked holes in the film before opening the door to the microwave and setting them inside.

"Yes." He paused before adding "really." Jessica smiled as she looked at the package and punched in the cook time before starting it. "I wanted to say that the thank you was dually appreciated from myself and Assistant Kang. We only did what was necessary in order to make you more comfortable."

"Well I still appreciate it, even if it was an obligation. Thank you Jumin."

On the other end of the phone Jumin's face showed slight amusement. His lips were pulling up slightly on the corners and his eyes almost sparkled.

"I also wanted to check in on how you were doing. Is the apartment clean enough for you?"

"Yes it's perfectly fine. The apartment is top secret anyways so there would be nothing you could do to help me." Jessica knew who Jumin was, or who he showed himself to be. He seemed cold but she knew already that he would do anything for those closest to him. Now she must fit into that category, even if it was just a little bit.

"I could always try and ask Luciel for the location, just to tell my staff. Or he could always tell them directly."

"Really Jumin, it's alright." The microwave began to beep and Jessica opened it and removed the potatoes. She removed the film, stirred the contents and put them back before starting the time as stated on the instructions.

"If you insist." The space between them was filled with silence and she just leaned against the counter and waited. She had nothing to say and she wanted to see if he had anything else to say to her. "I'm sorry."

Her head immediately turned towards her device, her green eyes wide. "For what?"

"For all of this. This situation is a lot to take in."

"It's nothing I can't handle." That was such a lie.

"That may be so but on behalf of the organization I would like to apologize for the situation at hand."

"Can I get that in writing?" She heard silence from Jumin and Jessica laughed a little. The doctor felt the pressure of that silence, the shame for the joke she just said making him uncomfortable and making her seem like an outsider. "I'm just kidding. Apology accepted."

There was more silence before the microwave beeped again. Jess grabbed a spoon and set it into the counter. She grabbed a glass and filled it with clean water from the fridge and set it with the spoon. She finished off her preparations by grabbing her meal and napkins and carrying then all down the hallway to her room.

"Im sorry for the haste but I must depart. We shall talk again later. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need something. Goodbye."

"Oh uh Goodbye." The phone beeped and Jumin was gone. Jessica was all alone again because of his sudden departure.

The weight seemed to crush her as she sat down on the floor in the hallway. She felt her eyes fill with tears and her hands begin to shake. She was trapped, all alone with people she didn't even know.

How could she do this by herself?

These people weren't her friends no matter how nice they acted around her. She was just someone they would never truly trust, they would never truly become friends with. She was their project, someone to break apart and rebuild before they let her go.

And she was breaking already.

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