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Songs of the chapter- 

Same as last chapter


It had been three, impossibly quick weeks. Each night alternated between performing to sold-out arenas full of screaming fans and driving long nights to reach the new venue in time to begin preparations for the upcoming show. The rest of the people that filled the 'Lauren Andrews' custom made tour bus were used to such hectic schedules and drastically lessened amounts of sleep, but my voice, body, and sleep pattern had to adjust. Not to mention, the lack of privacy wherever I went. Most of my time had been split between Meri- during the time she had been able to spend traveling with me- and Harry. Just by departing the bus, I was bombarded with a wave of people, asking for autographs or pictures.

But I would not change a thing. If I could go back to the day I sat down at the rotund, wooden table overlooking the New York City skyline, surrounded by management teams from three different musical artists and the nine boys themselves, I would have signed my name on the contract acceptance sheet a bit quicker, actually. The rolling thunder of thousands of rows of people every other night left my mind baffled. The stage lights themselves were remotely similar to those that had been set up for the Meet Me tour- so I was used to those. What left me blinded, were the millions of unending camera flashes per second for each second anyone was on that stage.

 I was the first to open the concert each night which I took as an amazing opportunity. The crowd was so pumped and thrilled in each venue when I kicked off the show. Each greeting of each concert was different for me. I tried to mix things up a bit to surprise the crowd each night. For example, one night my keyboardist, Allison, and I opened the show from backstage by playing a prank on the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer. We may or may not have barely avoided getting kicked out of the arena for setting off four or five smoke bombs in their dressing room, but the audience had a good laugh out of it, so that was all that mattered. Another night, I started the concert backstage. My song began as I exited my dressing room. A brief tour of my trail that led to the stage was given and I ended the song by making my appearance. Special guest star Louis Tomlinson made his surprise visit during the backstage tour, causing everyone to go insane as he popped his head up behind me and waves towards the camera.

Every night was unique and different, except tonight. I decided to keep it original because tonight was the last night of the North American Where We Are Tour, meaning this was the last night I would see Harry or any of the boys until July 11th, the date planned for Meri and Niall's wedding. Meri and I were staying in the States while the boys continued on to tour Asia and Australia, not returning until the morning of the wedding. Harry had pleaded and begged me to continue touring with them, whether I was performing or not, but both of us knew it wasn't the practical thing to do. My career still had to continue and he understood, gratuitously. My plans also included returning home to spend time with my family before I became Mrs. Styles.

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