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Tobi's POV

We've been soaring through the clouds for quite a while, I am able to tell as the sky was a mix of pink, purple and blue. I'm sure that we've flew pass the village where the store was located.

Konoha, was it?

Itachi's home..

And mine..

Such a shame his own clan was slaughtered by him..

Own clan?

I mean, our clan.

The reason why I am not referring or addressing myself as Tobi is because 'Tobi' is my alter ego. 'Tobi' is just a fictional character that I have made up in order to protect myself from the Akatsuki, although Pein and Konan know already about my plan.

I've been watching Deidara for a while, he's quite different. He's been in his room for the past hour, sitting near the window, fidgeting with his clay as he
ponders of what the point of my existence is and why he, out of all people, has been assigned with me, the 'dumb' kid.

Such a shame he'll never know what kind of true power I wield in my eyes and in my hands.

Why the hell did I choose such a repetitive loud characteristic?

It's a total pain to scream and praise someone younger than me when I am clearly older and stronger.. I deserve the praise, everyone should get onto their knees and bow towards me.

Ignoring the negative parts of this ego, it's a pretty good disguise as the real me is nothing like this.

I look up to where Deidara was, he was sitting up as the gentle breeze circle us, the sky was filled with flocks of birds that were flying through the fluffy clouds.

We were clearly lost, even I know that we've past the grocery store by now.

And ugh, don't get me started on this poor excuse of a mission. Doing someone's chores is NOT a mission.

"Oi, Deidara-senpai.", I reach out to shake his shoulders.

I stop to think. If I were to be Tobi, I would be dumb enough to shake him awake. Worst case scenerio is that Deidara would kick me off his clay bird. Since the blond has dazed off, it might be best to land the bird in a forest and find a place to sleep or rest.

Now, how to land a bird without hurting yourself of your partner?

I don't know.

I remove my mask and pull it down as it hangs over my neck, I was able to get a clearer look of this clay model. It was sculpted quite well and neatly, Deidara must have worked really hard to make the perfect bird.

I take control of the flying clay structure, trying to find an open green space to land Deidara and I.

Eventually, after what felt lie years of soaring high, I found a spot. I somehow manage to bring the bird down and into the open space.

"What kind of ninja falls asleep on such a simple mission?", I thought to myself as I remove my robe and lay it over Deidara's cold body. He then adjusts his sleeping position and snuggles in to keep the heat in his body.

"Cute..", I mumble to myself.

Oh.. Did I just call Deidara cute?

I mean, he's a pretty boy. If it weren't for Itachi's clarification, I would be convinced that Deidara was a girl.

I didn't know boys could be cute while sleeping, probably since I haven't looked in the mirror ever since I was ordered by him to never remove my mask.

I mean, well, only when other people weren't around.

Who's 'him'?

My boss, my leader and the guy who saved my life. But let's not think about him.

Anyways, grocery shopping. We've failed that.

Ah, it's okay, Deidara and I will figure it out somehow.

Guess I should go gather some food for tomorrow morning, don't want to get yelled at or even blown up..

I take one last look at where I landed, nod then walk through the grass, careful of my surroundings.

I don't really remember what happened earlier but it must've been too quiet that we both fell asleep. According to Deidara's file, he absolutely detests silence but I don't see why it's bad. He loves to make art out of clay, signature pjrase "Art is an explosion"..

I feel like a creep just knowing all this..

I stand up and walk around the area. I'm starving so I should collect some food.

I collected some berries, firewood and camping materials, I thought it would come in handy so..

I guess it was a good thing.

I make it back to the tree where I placed Deidara, who was still asleep, after setting up the tent, I picked up the blond in some sort of bridal style and layed him down in the tent.

Damnit, he's cute.

No homo though.

I take out a pillow and place it down then layed my head on top. Best if I get some sleep for tomorrow's adventure..

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