I don't play bout my food. You gon end up dead, messing around with me.

" Vontae what I tell you ? Didn't I tell your black ass not to touch my shit because I be craving them at night?"

" Yeah b-"

" Then don't touch them, eat them, look at them or even think about eating them Okay?" I took the stawberries and whip cream.

" Okay I won't  dang. You eating that for breakfast?"

I nodded. " Yep, yep." I tried to walk out the kitchen but tae stopped me and took the strawberries out my hand along with the whip cream.

" This ain't breakfast." He raised his hands so I couldn't grab them.

" Okay and?"

" And, your not eating it. Shoo shoo muhfucka and find something else to eat." He shook his head looking at me.

You know you not eating for you and the baby." Davontae yelled, which surprised me a lil bit.

Momma came into the kitchen. " What's wrong?!"

" Daejah. " he shook his head. " She's not eat In what's right for her and the baby and she stay up in that damn room all day. Its like she don't fuckin care and its irritating. "

Momma sighed, shaking her head. My eyes watered, tears ready to fall. " Yall talk while I cook breakfast."

" Ight."

We walked into the livingroom and sat down on the couch. " You know ion mean to yell at you."

" Well you did." I mumbled,  wiping my tears.

" I'm sorry. I know you got mixed emotions right now.... I just want the best for you and my nephew. You need to stop acting depressed and get it together."

I looked at him, frowning. " Nigga I'm depressed. You act like I didn't just witness the nigga I love cheat on me right before my eyes. And I know damn well you would be acting the same way if Ariana did the same.

" Look y'all just need to talk. You exspecally need to talk to him since your  carrying his child. " he said avoiding what I just said.

" I'll think about it."

" Nah you ain't bout to ' Think about it.' Think about it my ass. Your going to do it."

" Okay davontae. " I said, sighing. I wanted this conversation to be over with. He know damn well I'm not about to that stick person name September. He cheated  and that's the end of it.  I don't want nothing to do with him any more.  

After talking more, the food was done. We sat down, said Grace and began eating.

" Your going to your doctors appointment on the 5th right? "

" I don't know. " I said as I gave Davontae my eggs, which he gladly took.

" Thank you." He said with a mouthful.

" You need to see how the baby doing. "

" She's  doing just fine. "

This Thing Called Life { Sequal } EditingWhere stories live. Discover now