Chapter 19: Text Messsages

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Dani💛: Ariana I'm really sorry
Dani💛: Ari I didn't mean It
Dani💛:  missed phone call
Dani💛: missed FaceTime call
Dani💛: baby. Please answer me.
Dani💛: please baby. I've been a wreck without you
Dani💛: I don't care if you kiss him ariana I know it doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry I'm just really over protective about you because I care so much about you.
Dani💛: I know your reading them.
Ari💗: Daniel I'm not kissing him. I called troys manager and told him to delete the kissing part.  But Daniel I'm really upset with you.
Dani💛:  could you meet me at the beach so we can talk?
Ari💗: I'll be there in 30.

Broken//why don't we & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now