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Jasmine's first chapter [WILL be short. Extremely. It's like, the shortest prologue to exist.]

I groaned as my papi droned endlessly on, seeming unaware that not only was I barely listening, I had a headphone firmly affixed to my ear.

I really don't think he noticed.

"You're going to grow up into a beautiful, mature young lady.."


"Fall in love at first sight with Jared at a coffee shop.."


"He will also be head over heels for you. You both don't realize the feeling is mutual.."


"You'll get drunk and then have sex, blessing me with multiple grand babies."

I paused, some of his sentence registering in my head.

Well, that was rather abrupt. Lets just skip from the friend stage into the fucking-like-bunnies stage, shall we?

I sighed and tugged the worn, slightly staticky pair of headphones to rest comfortably around my neck and glanced over at him.

"I'm not falling in love." I stated firmly. "And NOT having kids."

I paused. "And, uh, shouldn't there be something else there in that list of yours? Y'know. Marriage?"

He shrugged. "Technicalities."

And he said I needed to get MY priorities straight.

He forgot about MARRIAGE. He's actually quite forgetful. Depending on how he wakes up, he temporarily forgets what a STOP sign is for. I remember once he forgot where he lived- there several phone calls later about my grandfather barging into random houses an entire district over.

He had cuddled with Miss. Evelyn four streets down, and her horrified shrieks could be heard from Venus.

".. At 7:00 PM sharp. Look nice, and for heavens sake, wear something blue." He trailed off, and I blinked.


"JARED. Your soon to be fiancee? Is.. Coming.. Over.. At.. 7:00 PM sharp.." He repeated slowly, over enunciating his words- clearly irritated.


"This is the first time you two will meet, and it's required you two court for several years before engaging in sexual activities."

I blushed a fiery scarlet, red splashed across my cheeks. "I don't even know the guy yet!"

"You're also starting high school next week." He continued, oblivious to my protest.

WHAT? As long as I could remember, I had been taking online classes.

Seeing the startled expression on my face, he reached over to pat me reassuringly on the shoulder.

"You'll be fine. I'm sure no one will toss you in trashcans, push you down stairs or shove you in lockers. Besides. You need the social experience! You literally sit up there talking to your tiger. That's it. Unless he talks back, that seems pretty pointless." He peered at me, hesitant, clearing his throat. "And, does he?"

I groaned, burying my head in my shirtsleeves.

"He doesn't talk back."

He brightened.

"Good. For awhile I was considering sending you to a therapist."

I sent him a disbelieving stare. Did he honestly think I thought me and my pet held conversations?

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