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[This is Rapunzel's first chapter. WARNING: Every first chapter for a character WILL be short. The next chapters for each character will be MUCH longer.]

Rapunzel: Chapter 1- The Grocery Boy

"No friends, no talking, no online chatting. NO social interaction! Head down, mouth shut."

I groaned inwardly, my fists clenching and unclenching of their own accord. Not THIS lecture again.

My mothers eyes bore into mine heatedly, her mouth twisted into an ugly grimace. Looking away disgustedly, she swept around the room, shutting and locking windows- slamming the panes hard enough into the windowsill to create small spiderwebs on the surface. I winced. When they shatter, it will be me on my bloodied hands and knees picking up the pieces.

"You can't just keep me shut away. I attend school. Conversations happen." I shrug nonchalantly, like, 'Well, what can you do?', carefully avoiding looking her in the eyes. I knew her rage simmered just below the surface, her temper wild and uncontrolled. If I'm not carefu-


"Don't back talk me!" She slammed the heavy set hardback novel across my face again, my head jerking to the side on impact.

"You won't talk in class unless called on by a teacher!"

I straightened up, defiantly staring her in the eyes. I would NOT cower underneath her. My cheek burned, and my lower lip stung. Tentatively, I reached up and probed the sore spot, my finger coming away slick. Blood. She had split my lip, AGAIN.

"You're hideous, it's not as if anyone would want to be your friend. I'm just protecting you from rejection, you ungrateful brat!" She screeched, spittle spraying as she leaned forward, invading my personal space.

I shrunk back slightly, and nodded.

"I'm sorry." I glanced down at my shoes, hunched over- a sign of submission. Of defeat.

She smiled triumphantly, and turning on heel, strode out of the room- clicking the deadbolts in place behind her as she shut the door.

"Mother knows best." She sweetly chimed from the other side, before her heels could be heard resounding against the tile as she walked down the hall.

My room was isolated, separated from the rest of the house.

I was locked in this room until suppertime, which wouldn't be for another four painstaking hours.

I sighed, and dramatically plopped on my bedspread.

It just wasn't fair. Other than her, I had literally not had a conversation.


I had once locked eyes with the boy behind the check out counter, and his lips had tugged into a slight smile, his eyes twinkling. Before I had a chance to open my mouth and say hello, she had dragged me outside to the parking lot by my hair and proceeded to hit me behind a large faded dumpster. I was bruised that night, my limbs aching.

The groceries were left abandoned, and we never went back there again.

It. Wasn't. Fair.

I gritted my teeth. My blood was boiling, and my temper was quick to flare. I was feeling rebellious, and while I knew it was going to cost dearly..

I wasn't going to accept her rules anymore.

Crossing over to the windows, I jimmied the lock. They were rusty and old, and in no condition to keep a teenage girl in. They creaked loudly and snapped, the hinges protesting as the pane swung outward. The nights refreshing cool air hit my face, and I breathed in deeply, replacing the old musty stale smell of my room.

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