“Do I have something on my face?” he asks, brushing his chin subconsciously.

She shakes her head making her long brown ponytail sway a bit, “No but your blushing. I’ve never seen someone blush up close before. I find I like it very much on you, Levi.”

It only made his cheeks redder.

Her smile widens and since it was pointed at him, a rare occurrence for the likes of Levi, he can’t help the warmth that spreads across his chest. He had made her smile. Part of him desperately wants to know how he can do it again while the other part of him just wants to crawl in a hole when he realizes what she said. Oh god, she caught him blushing…like a girl. How pathetic is he?

“May I sit with you?” she asks formally.

He nods a bit eagerly before letting his head dip low. God, he really is a loser isn’t he? While Levi is chastising himself Rosemary is simply staring at him with a mix of amusement and fascination. She can see he’s beating himself up for something but she doesn’t understand what. Annoyance begins to build in her when he refuses to look at her despite having to share a copy of the book their reading in class. Rosemary has to fight the urge to grip his chin roughly and force him to look at her. She doesn’t do gentle but she realizes that with Levi she’ll have to try.

She wants him and she won’t leave him alone until she has him.

It’s really that simple.

“Levi?” She asks quietly while he has his focus on taking notes like his life depends on it. He grunts but doesn’t look at her making her want to hit him or better yet stab him until he looks her in the eyes. Taking a calming breath she whispers, “Did I upset you by sitting here?”

Finally he looks at her, his crystal clear blue eyes wide like saucers, “W-What?”

“Did I upset you by sitting here?” she repeats patiently though she wants to nothing more then to grip him by the neck and demand he never turn away from her again without her permission.

He shakes his head making his black hair fall over his left eyes, “N-No, I just…I don’t understand why you’re sitting by me. I’m not exactly popular around here.”

She snorts in the face of his stupidity, “Like I give a shit.”


“I said I couldn’t give two shits about this bullshit place. I came here for a reason.” She hisses then clenches her fists under the table. “But you avoiding even acknowledging me is getting on my nerves. I don’t have a lot of patience but I’m trying really hard to be more gentle with you, Levi.”

“Why would you need to be patient with me?” he whispers shocked.

Rosemary can’t fight the smirk that falls across her lips as she leans so close to him he nearly goes cross eyed while trying to keep eye contact, “You and I are going to be friends until you succumb to my advances. Then I’m going to make you mine.”


She nods shooting a quick glance to the teacher before kissing his lips softly. When she pulls back she grins at her newest prey, “All mine.”

Rosemary turns back to her notes while Levi tries to avoid the gawking stares he’s receiving. He doesn’t understand why Rosemary wants him but with that soft kiss on his lips she’s just stolen his first kiss in class. He can’t help the reaction his body has to her soft pink lips on his; his pants are uncomfortably tight as his gaze settles back on her lips.

He wants her to never regret wanting him.

Though something in the back of his mind knows this is a bad idea he can’t help but feel a thrill at her forwardness. Levi is a shy kid, he can admit this but with her, this girl he barely knows beside her name and ability to kick the shit out men twice her size, he feels like he’s worth a damn.

Levi turns back to his notes too after the shock wears off.

He has a good inkling he isn’t going to fight ‘succumbing’ to her advances.


Rosemary bites her lip and swears she can still taste him on her lips. He tastes as sweet and ripe as he looks. Purity in a mask of darkness is what she thinks of Levi. His dark clothes, sullen attitude and self-hate only fuel her desire to rip him to shreds.

Sure, it’ll happen eventually because life fucks everyone in the end but Rosemary feels a claim on this odd boy. She wants to be the one to rip him apart and then sew him together again…if she feels like he deserves to be sewn back together that is. the peck was nothing, she wanted to shove her tongue in his mouth and straddle his lap until he let her ravage him like some sick virgin sacrifice.

But she held back.

Not her usual behavior but something she did anyway.

No, Levi needed to be seduced and accosted.

She’d give him four days before she simply took him by force. She wasn’t beyond it and from his reaction to the simple peck clear in his pants she doubted he’s fight her much. Rosemary licks her lip to soothe her own bite as she squirms in her seat as images assault her brain of all the things she’s going to do to him.

The pain she’ll induce will give them both pleasure in the end but it’s only herself she really needs to satisfy. The beast inside that wants to devour, mark and destroy like some vengeful goddess of chaos. She sits on her hands fighting the urge to throw him on the table and make him hers right then but she can’t.

Not yet.

But soon.


Okay, i know this chapter probably seems a bit boring but I got to build a bit of tension before Rosemary pounces on her prey. She's given him the warning but now that he knows all gloves are off. Oh and how i'm going to have her pounce is going to be good. Oh and don't worry I haven't gone soft, The violence is coming back with a vengence next chapter :}

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