Chapter 8

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"Bonzo, what are you doing!!"

Bree was shouting for her boyfriend angrily between her frequent sobs, her sore, burnt throat now only worsened by her shouting. She was sat next to the toilet in the bathroom in Bonzo's house, scared, upset and confused. After school had finished for the day, she was planning to meet up with Bonzo and go and see Addison to check up on her and also ask her where Zed was. He said he was also going to check up on Addie then come straight back to school. Since he hadn't, Bree just had her "bestie feeling" that something must have happened. Something big.

But her plans were soon hindered. As soon as she got to Bonzo's house and kissed his sweet lips as she had done many times before, she felt strange, almost off in a way she had never felt before. She had felt butterflies in her stomach whilst being with her beau many times, this was not butterflies. Before Bonzo could say "Geh, gozay ag zrugra garzi'ska?" "Hey, how's my beautiful girlfriend?" , Bree had bolted straight past him through the doorway and up to the bathroom and very unlike her, slammed and locked the door, simply shouting down to her boyfriend that she was fine, that she just needed a minute. And for a short couple of minutes, she was;

At least, until she threw up her lunch straight into the sink.

Bree was immediately consumed by guilt and shame. She had only recently met Bonzo's parents and, however nice they were, would surely flip if she just left this mess. But as she began to grab the cleaning equipment needed, the smell of the stain remover seemed to only upset her stomach further, causing further vomiting fits. She knew she had to tell Bonzo. So, defeated, she let her boyfriend into the bathroom and the horrid state she had left it in as streams of tears sprang from her eyes. Bonzo's thoughts immediately went back to the pep rally a couple of days ago, with Addison, how Zed had ditched the rest of school to check on her and was, most likely, still with her and how the nurse must have called them by now. Without a word, Bonzo ran into the hallway to call his closest friend, leaving his poor girlfriend alone on the cold bathroom floor. Scared and worried not just for herself, but now for her best friend.

"Zedka...Zedka!!!" Bonzo belted down the line "Greh, ru garzedd - zig? Zon?!"

"Do you know or not?!"

Addison simply heard Zed tell his closest friend to stay calm and stay with Bree until they arrived and explained everything. Zed quickly hung up and turned to Addison.

"We've got to get to Bonzo's house, I'll explain on the way."

Addison and Zed eventually got to Bonzo's house due to Zed insisting they walk instead of run there and Addison popping into Seabrook's local pharmacy to buy a couple of things she insisted were important, carrying them in a bag, refusing to let Zed have even a peek. Zed knocked on the open door, causing Bonzo to quickly race down, leaving him breathless and panting as he states to the couple ;

"Agru...agru zu zedge garzrea"

"She...she's in the bathroom."

As Addison began her ascent up the stairs towards Bree's hiding place, she's carefully turned her head to Zed, who had begun leading Bonzo into the living room, sharing a look both of concern and fear. They knew, what they were about to tell their friends was serious.

Addison noticed the bathroom door slightly ajar and walked in to see Bree slumped over the toilet, drained and with almost no pep left in her. As she knelt before her friend, her best friend, she was unable to say anything. Silence filled the air and would have eventually consumed both of them if not for the rustling of the plastic bag Addison had carried with her. She began to reach inside of it, with Bree looking on in confusion, as she eventually pulled out a small box. A small box marked "Pregnancy Test".

Bree's face seemed to now be in a sheer state of shocked sadness as Addison slowly rose from her position, left the bathroom and shut the door carefully behind her. As Bree glanced down at the box in her hands, and she remembered last weekend, when Addie and Eliza had gone on their respective dates, when Bonzo invited her over and how, ironically, she never did help Bonzo with his painting at all.

Addison sat down next to the bathroom door, simply contemplating the utter stupidity of the entire situation, and began almost chuckling at herself.

Me, and my BFF, pregnant at the same time.

After a couple of minutes, that for both girls, felt like hours, Bree eventually emerged, carrying a plus sign in her hand and her face stained with tears, and to Addison's surprize, her classic wide grin on her face. Bree then takes her eyes off the stick and looks up at her closest friend in the world, the one who figured it out.

"How did you know?" Bree asked, her mind having clearly forgotten about Addison's "mysterious illness"

Addison smiled almost as wide as Bree as she once again reached into the plastic bag and pulled out her proof. The pregnancy test she had taken in the chemists, the results mirroring Bree's exactly. Bree's face lit up even more.

"You...and me...together" she said, almost laughing.

"Yeah" Addison said as a few more happy tears began to roll down her face and Bree's as they embraced lovingly.

Bree soon ran straight down the stairs into the living room where the boys were situated. Bonzo, who had already been informed of the possible situation, quickly took note of the test result in Bree's hand, his expression now mirroring hers exactly. As they both ran over to each other and hugged whilst crying and smiling the biggest smiles, happier than two people could possibly be; Zed and Addison once again shared a look. At least now, they wouldn't be going through this alone, they would all have support from each other.

As Bonzo began to pull away from Bree, his goofy grin still plastered on his face, his mind suddenly asked the question Zed and Addison had been dreading, for obvious reasons.

"Gozig agz jaka zet jaska?"

"What about our parents?"

Bonzo then started to notice Zed and Addison's faces. He knew even though Addie's parents were so accepting of zombies now, this could drive them straight back to their previous, anti - zombie ways. Before Bonzo could take back what he said, Addison simply and calmly suggested;

"We should tell all our parents this weekend, that way we'll get it all out the way together."

The reassuring smiles from the rest of the teens showed that they were all in agreement. Even though it may not go down well with some, none of them were scared, not now. They were al in together. They weren't the only ones.

They weren't alone.

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