And then aunty left angrily wiping tears that escaped from her eyes. Saaleh kept asking her to stay for a while until dinner but she couldn't stay in front of me anymore. When she had just had her self-respect crumbled by her own daughter when she was here to warn me about the girl I had started falling for.

After she left, I breathed a sigh of relief. Saaleh turned towards me closing the main door , wearing strange expressions on his face as if I just murdered someone.

' Chill bro. Astaghfirullah for that, but I didn't mean to hurt aunty's sentiments. '

" You think you didn't mean that seriously?? Mehmood. "

' What? Now pls you dont act like my another phupho! (Aunt) '

" Mehmood, I sense something fishy. What are you trying to hide? "

' Why would I hide anything from you?

" Okay fine, then I'm leaving. If you get some your men pride low, then pls pay a visit to her and ask forgiveness. She is hurt because of you Mehmood. Think "

' Then what about her words which hurted me too? '

" Mehmood, you told me once right? People will and would hurt us. Its natural. Its us who makes it a bigger issue or just let it go. Letting go takes a lot of effort but it prevents you from getting toxic inside. "

' You may leave now Saaleh. I need some personal space. '

" May Allah help you bro. I never thought you'd ask space from me... Its okay. "

Saaleh put a fake frown on his face in order to convince me and acted as if I was buying his drama. Not at all.

' I know you're trying to convince me bro but not now. Pls. I want to think about what happened today. '

" Fee Amanillah. As you wish. "


For chemistry's project, Ma'arij invited us both to her home on this weekend. As after that it'd be possibly her busy days because of her proposal thing getting finalised.

I could'nt hold back saying no to her when I knew the reason I got that day to survive would be there.


I was a I was shocked to know that Hunain was Ma'arijs brother. I came to know his name and his connection with her when he came to pick her up from school yesterday.

Maarij was waiting outside for her driver as usual, but supposedly he got late.

I used to stay in after school hours just to practice the game which relieved my tensed muscles. Basketball.

Before walking myself to the ground I saw Maarij talking to a guy angrily. And he was not her driver for sure. Then who can it be ? She never had a sibbling as far as I know?

Then she hugged him.

Oh God.

And when I saw his face, I felt like blood was drenched out of my body... I didnt feel too good... instead, I felt weird. Like something was out of place. Like I was supposed to be there wrapped in ...


No. No. I'm engaged to Nadir.

Ma'arij then waved bye to me and sauntered away locking her arms in his.
A sight I couldnt vision.

Later when we were at our homes in the evening, I texted her out of curiosity that who was that guy who came to pick her up? Hope that curiosity doesnt kill a cat like me!

" Hahaha, did you fall in love with him? I know he is so handsome. "

' But who is he '

I texted back. Why was I feeling? Jealous? No.

" He... he is my brother you idiot. :D what did you think he is my bf or something? :p "

Her text made me sigh in relief.

And now I was here thinking about him...

Was I ...

I was given a break from my thoughts by sudden interruption of a phone call. Huh? Who can call at this time?

' Hello '

" Hello my love. What were you doing? I'm sure I didnt disturb your sweet sleep. Did I? "

' Nadir. No. No. I wasnt sleeping at all. '

" Oh so what were you doing such late at night? "

' I was working for my project. '

I had to lie so that I could avoid him.

" uhoh, you weren't thinking of me? Well np, I am thinking of you everytime.I want to see you now. "

' But Im not dressed properly. And how can you see me ? '

" Open your balcony's door. Im jumping up inside. "

' Whattt. No. No. You cant do this Nadir. You could have asked mom to let me meet you tomorrow outside. We could ju... '

" SHUT THE F*** UP. Now you'll teach me what I should do and what not? Ouchhh. "

' What happened. '

" Open the door. "

I walked slowly towards the balcony, afraid. Afraid of why he was here at this moment. My insides were tingling with the sensation of fear.

' Nadir. '

He entered inside the room, and locked the balcony door behind him. Now he was marching towards me like a predator reaching for his prey. I could figure the same sharp glint in his eyes as I saw that day.

' Nadir. What are you doing. Why are you here? Look we can meet tomorrow. Pls go now. '

" Oh really? Why ? Did you wish someone else to sneak out in your room? "

' Nadir, youre drunk? '

He came near me, such that there was only an inch of gap left between us. I could detect his strong and pungent breath of wine. Though mom always allowed me to party and drink, I personally never drank. I hated alcoholism.

' Nadir. Pls. '

He didnt hesitate to force his lips on mine , but this time.. this time I had something inside me urging me to push him away.. and I did!

' Stop! You think you'll rule over me just by getting engaged to me? Did you sign a contract which said that Im your personal belonging or property? Then open your deaf ears and listen properly! Im not yours! Im just your fiance! You cant rule over me! Specially when you're not in your senses. You're drunk Nadir. You.. '

And then he slapped me harshly. Again.

I could feel the sharp pain and redness on my cheeks.

Then he grabbed my hair and slammed my forehead into the balcony glass door. It broke and my head started bleeding. It was excruciatingly painful.

' Nadir. I am a strong girl. You cant break me. Ever. I loved you. But not anymore. You took me for granted and now I wont be foolish anymore. Goodbye Nadir! I'm cutting off my ties with you! It was... It was all that I thought we shared was an innocent love, but you! YOU ARE TOO FAKE TO BE INNOCENT, YOU ARE A MONSTER! '

I pushed him out of the balcony door, straight down , controlled by my temper, and then I forcedly removed the ring from my finger and threw it down too in tge process hurting my finger to bleed.

It was then I realised what I had done, when I looked down below, I could see a red pool of blood slowly flowing from his head and he was lying there in a lifeless form.

What had I done?

Droplets of blood trickled down my forehead , and then I could feel the panick engulfing me in a dark world... loosing consciousness was better than facing the reality of something I had done unintentionally.

Maybe, I should bid life goodbye.

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