Chapter 46

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Waking up with a headache is such a pain.

The exhaustion from yesterday is still dawning on me. I thought that it was gone after a couple of movies that we watched last night. But then I'm wrong, the headache came back. And I'm suffering now.

With a grunt, I slowly get up from the right side of the bed, though I actually feel like I woke up at the wrong side of the bed. Matthew is on the left side.

And when I'm about to stand up, he turns around and catches my right arm. In such a snap, I am back down on the bed. All my senses suddenly fired up and my aching head is now palpitating. Oh gosh. It's not helping. But I'm wide awake now. For sure.

I am trying to get off from his arm which is now over my stomach, embracing me tightly. Good thing I am not ticklish, or else, I've already smack his face away from me. I hold his wrist and try to move it away from me. But to no avail, the weight of his arm is becoming heavy.

What's with his arm? Ah! I now know. I think I should hold his arm and try to lift it off -

"Mmm..." he grunts beside me. And guess what.

He innocently buries his head on my neck. My eyeballs almost pop out of my eye socket. And I can feel his breath.

My lower body is still covered with the blanket, but not my upper body and it seems like - No.

No. Don't you dare look at him. The blanket is with me. We only have one blanket. I got the robe. You do the math.

I gulp.

His arm is no joke. It's pretty toned and firm. Hard with muscles but soft as satin at the same time. And why am I taking notes of his arm now, huh? Stop, Anna. His breath is still on your neck.

I have no choice.

"Ahh!" I shout.

"What the -" He wakes up right away and moves away from me.

"Anna - are you okay?" He's now checking on me. I can see him from my peripheral vision. I slowly get up and act as if I just woke up - like I woke up screaming because of a bad dream.

"I'm - I'm okay." Now, I feel bad.

"Goodness, I thought there's something that happened to you..." he takes a long sigh. That makes me look at him. He runs his hands through his messy morning hair. Because of my silly act, I make him worried again.

"Matthew...I'm okay." I reaffirm to him. Involuntarily, my hand shoots up and landed on his forearm. And before I can even react or move my hand away from his firm and toned arm, his eyes catch mine.

I'm not supposed to make any eye contact!

My eyes focus on him and the sight of his well-built physique is undeniably disturbing. The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifts. The spaces between us seem to be suffocating. Lightning struck me on my spine again. This can't happen...

Matthew's eyes continue to penetrate me. His hazel eyes are looking strikingly bright and beautiful with his tousled morning brown hair. I never knew he has those kinds of eyes before...

"Anna..." The way he speaks of my name...why is it so pleasing to my ears?

His hands...

It goes up and touches my face. I lean on it.

He closes the gap between us. And I move closer to him. My hand is still on his forearm. His hand is holding my face dearly.

What's happening to me?

Heartbeat SongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora