Chapter 15

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Daze bit his lip and pushed her. He walked towards the bed and sat down. He let out a shaky breath, placing his elbow on his leg, and stared at the carpeted floor "She's pregnant" he mumbled to himself "She's fucking pregnant"

Vivian felt scared for a second, she pursed her lips together and tried to approach him but she quickly stopped when he suddenly grabbed a pillow and throw it on the floor

"SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT!" He angrily stated. The fact that Natalia's pregnancy didn't process in his head properly, his mind is just too cloudy and dark.

"Yes, she is pregnant" Vivian calmly said and took one step forward "How about we talk about this in a calm way, okay?"

"In a calm way?" Daze laughed sarcastically "You're expecting me to be calm after I heard that she bears that bastard's child?! She was mine at first! Mine!!" He spatted at her "I should be the one who married her! I should be the father of her child!"

Vivian flinched everytime he shouted at her. She thanked the stars that there are no people walking around the hallways, it'll be a huge problem if someone heard Daze's blabber.

"Daze, come on" She softly begged "Let's just be happy for them. We can't do anything about this situation. She's married to him and she's pregnant with your brother's child"

"Be happy!" He laughed again "Be happy for them while I suffer in pain?! Don't they know that I love her!? Vivian! I LOVE HER!!" He spatted, moving his hands angrily, hitting his chest with his hand, trying to explain his pain

"Yes, I know you love her so much" Vivian tried her best to calm down, she doesn't want to cry and make everything worse "I know very well that you love her but they don't. Your father and brother doesn't know that you love, that she was your ex-girlfriend! You decided not to tell them because you wanted to respect your brother's happiness, what happened now? Why are you being like this?"

"FUCK IT!" he stood and left the room. Vivian tailed behind him and quietly begged him to come back but Daze was quick. He left the farm house and drove somewhere, leaving Vivian outside the house

"Shit" She cussed. She looked up to stop her tears from falling "Things are turning so bad" She sniffed and went back inside the house

"Vivian?" Heliot approached her as soon as he saw her "Where's Daze?"

"He drove somewhere, I don't know where he's going"

"That idiot" Heliot clicked his tongue "Everyone was delighted of the news but only Daze and Natalia are not happy"

"Even Natalia?" She asked "Why?"

"I think she's feeling guilty for Daze, she still loves him" he sighed

"Damn it! They're so dramatic!" Vivian complained "I'm started to get stressed because of this. Now I have to wait for your idiot brother to come home!"


Vivian waited for hours in the living room. She just sat on the couch and stared at the fire inside the fireplace, letting the wood's crackling noise fill her ears. It's already night and Daze is still not home.

Rafael talked to her earlier and thanked her for her beautiful gift, he complimented her work and promised that he'll place it inside his room. He then went somewhere to take care of some business. Odin went out of the house for a while to tell Natalia's family the good news and to have their house ready for their return. So it's just her, Natalia, Heliot and few maids around the house.

Vivian's ear perked up as she heard someone closed the door very loudly. She stood up and looked at the entrance but saw no one "I must've imagine things" she sighed and walked towards Natalia's room, wanting to check if she's doing fine

"I'm sorry!"

Vivian stopped from her tracks as she heard Natalia's crying inside the room

"Let's just end this Daze, it will never work out!" Natalia cried "I'm married to Odin and we are already expecting a child--"

"What about me?" Vivian could feek the pain in Daze's voice "WHAT ABOUT ME?! WHY DID YOU MARRIED HIM INSTEAD OF ME!? I LOVE YOU!"

"AND I LOVED YOU TOO!" She spatted back "But what can we do?! We're just not meant for each other"

"We can ran away together! I'll help you raise your child and treat him or her as my own! I don't care! Let's ran away together and be happy!"

"That will never work Daze! Please! Let's just end this-- S--stop"

Vivian inhaled when she heard Natalia's plea. She quickly opened the door and saw Daze pinning Natalia on the bed. Natalia was begging to get him off of her but Daze wasn't listening. Vivian approached them and used all her strength to pull Daze away.

"V--Vivian?!" Natalia called in surprise, trying to fix her dress "This i--"

"No need to explain" Vivian calmly said "I'm so sorry about this. Daze is drunk, I'll take him to our room" Vivian excused the both of them and dragged the crying man back to their room. She angrily closed the door and looked at him "You fucking molested Natalia?" She angrily asked and let her hand slapped his right cheek "You've crossed the line, you asshole!"

Daze moved his head and gave Vivian a death glare. Vivian almost fell to her knees because of fear but she took all the courage she have and looked at him straight in the eyes "Just who are you?"

Vivian gulped "I'm your friend, you dimwit! I am trying to keep you sane and you won't freaking cooperate! Why are you doing this to yourself?! This is not you--"


"WILL YOU JUST FUCKING CALM DOWN AND LISTEN TO ME!!" She shouted back "STOP, JUST STOP RUINING YOURSELF! Please" she took a deep breath, looking up to keep her tears away "Just stop. I'm here--" she choked "I'm here to help you" she looked back at him "I'm here to lend you a shoulder to cry on. I'm here to listen to your problems. I'M ALWAYS HERE!" She emphasized, pointing at herself "Please, don't" she took a step closer to him "Don't push me away because I'm ready to help you" she tried to reach for her face but he quickly slapped her hands away

"I DON'T NEED YOU!" he spatted. He lifted his hand on the air and before they could even both blink, his hand landed on her right cheek.

The slapped sound filled their room painfully

Daze snapped out of his thoughts as he realized what he had just done

He just slapped her

He really slapped her

A trail of blood went out of the side of Vivian's mouth. He used his strength to slapped her and it was a painful sight to see. Vivian didn't felt the pain in her cheek, it was more painful feeling her heart getting ripped into pieces

Daze face went sour as he saw the blood in her lips "V--Vivian" he called in fear

Vivian's head was looking down. The tears that she'd been keeping for days went out of her eyes like waterfalls. She let out her cries and cover her mouth with her hand.

"Vivian, I didn't mean--" this time, Daze attempted to get closer but Vivian took a stepped back. He tried to touch her but she slapped his hands away "I'm sorry, I--"

Vivian looked up to him and pushed him away "You're so blinded with your own emotions that you didn't even thought about anything rational! WHY DON'T YOU JUST MOVE ON AND GET ON WITH IT!? SHE'S NOT YOURS ANYMORE! You said that you respect your brother's happiness! YOU SAID THAT YOU'RE HAPPY FOR HIM! THEN WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS?! WHY NOW?! BECAUSE YOU LOVE HER?!" she wiped the blood off of her lips "Well guess what!? FUCK YOU!!" She turned her back from him and tried to exit the room but Daze's hands stopped her, he held her wrist as if it was his own life

"Please don't leave me alone" he begged "I'm sorry--I didn't mean any of that"

She looked back at him, tears still falling from her eyes "I'm not leaving you alone" she gave him a painful smile "I'll come back once you've had your good rest" she gently pulled her wrist away from his grasp and left the room, mumbling to herself "I'm such a fucking idiot"

She's a freaking masochist

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