Chapter 16

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"You clearly know that you can't ignore him forever" Heliot stated as he checked the bruise on her right cheek "Damn, that idiot really slapped you hard" he sighed and rummage through his bag "It'll take days for this to heal. I'll apply the ointment again, okay?" Vivian nodded her head and just let Heliot do his work

After Vivian went out of the room, she bumped to Heliot who quickly dragged her to his room to fix her face. He was pretty angry about his brother's actions and was tempted to use a scalpel to open him up as a punishment. He welcomed her to his room and let her stay for as long as she wants.

She's been staying for two days now, refusing to get out of the room. She's embarassed to show the others her state. Daze did tried to talk to her but Heliot was good in shooing him away.

Rafael and the others was worried about her and Daze. They just assumed that you two had an heavy argument and just let the two of you be. Though Rafael is keeping tabs from any divorce he might hear. He was planning to step in the argument if he ever heard them talked about divorce.

"I'm just waiting for this to heal" she said, pointing at her cheek "then I'll talk to your stupid brother"

Heliot sighed "I'm really sorry about this" he stood up "I'll ask the maids to make you porridge again and have them delivered here. I'll be back later" he said and finally left the room where his idiot brother was waiting "Oh look, the douchebag is here"

"How is she?" He asked, guilt and worry still implanted in his face

"She's healing quickly but it will still take days" He said and passed through his brother

Daze followed him "Is she still angry at me?"

"Not really" he honestly said "She was calm the whole time though she cries buckets when I bumped into her"

"Can't I see her?"

He stopped from his tracks and looked back at Daze "Are you planning to traumatize her?"

Daze shook his head "I just wanted to apologize"

Heliot looked at him "I'm sure you already apologized to her after you slapped her" he said in a mocking tone "you can't see her"

"Please Heliot. I need her!" He begged

Heliot raised an eyebrow at him. When was the last time he heard his brother beg to him? "You need her? You need to be specific about that"

"It felt like I'm about to lose my mind! I fucking miss her already! I wanted to apologize to her over and over" he said in a painful tone "I'm afraid she'll permanently leave me alone"

Heliot sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder "Essere più paziente, fratello. Ha bisogno di più tempo per recuperare (Be patient, brother. She needs more time to recover)" he simply said and finally left Daze standing in the middle of the hallway "Seriously, how hard is it to say I love you?


"Daze?! DAZE!"

Daze snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Nick who's trying to get his attention "What?"

"I've been calling you for five minutes now" Nick complained "We're here"

Daze nodded his head and went out of the car. They just made their way to Milan, Italy. He didn't really want to come with them but they insisted on letting him participate once in a while. The three had been tailing a man who supposedly know where the archive is. They believed that the archive holds strong evidences about the mafia's existence. Daze doesn't really care about the other mafia group, he just wanted to completely erase his family's information in records given.

The Dying Scentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें