Sakura was crying and all the males were physically shaking. Kakashi stood up. His legs wobbling and weak and his body shook.

"Let's all go to an inn. We'll discuss this there" Kakashi's voice was deep and troubled. They all silently made their way towards closest inn and checked out two rooms. None of them wanted to sleep alone that night.

They all cleaned themselves off before gathering in Kakashi's and Sakura's shared room. Sakura took out the scroll they wrote of everything they knew about Chikako. Seconds later another scroll joined it on the table. Naruto set the scroll that Chikako threw at him in the table.

"she was never on the same mission" Naruto said quietly. Sakura and Sasuke looked up at Naruto. He just pointed at the open scroll. He couldn't muster enough energy to speak.

D-rank mission.
Land of the moon.

Please help us. People are being thrown out of their houses everyday now because of the Kogarashi clan. They have gone too far. Children are dying in the streets. We're all trying to help each other, but we can barely even get enough food or money for ourselves. We request that a ninja from the village hidden in the leaves come to assassinate Ryu Kogarashi.

There were signatures of all the towns people scribbled at the bottom. Sakura's heart broke when she saw it. Sasuke didn't say anything. He just bit his lip and looked away.

"Itachi is better than you in every way! I saw Itachi kill everyone in cold blood! I can still remember the feeling of my uncles blood running down my face" Chikako's words echoed in Sasuke's head. He bit down on his lip harder, drawing blood in the process as his eyebrows furrowed. She went through the same thing as me, and she was just as alone as I was. She watched everyone get killed, so is it really the same thing?

Naruto found himself running his hands over the scroll he got  from Chikako when they went to her house before.  

"Out of everyone you should know how I feel! When everyone around you resents your existence because of something you can't control! You should know out of everyone here the aching cold of being alone! Do you think I wanted to be born with my eyes?"  Every word Chikako said struck a chord within the blond boy. He was once to drowning in the cold feeling. To think she's been feeling that for over ten years.

"You're always crying over Sasuke. You aren't the only one. I was always crying over the ones I loved most. The difference is They never came back!" Sakura could feel the tears form in her eyes remembering her words. That's right. She was always worried about Sasuke, but he always came back. He always came back, but the people she loved never did. 

Kakashi's mind was reeling to the point it almost hurt. "It didn't matter how many times I was hurt or tortured. I held onto  the hope that I would find my brother someday! If I had know what my brother was like, I would've just let myself die!" Kakashi didn't bother to remember anything besides those words. The realization that Chikako suffered her whole life just to meet him... it made him freeze. He suddenly felt so disappointed in himself.  I was the one she was looking for. I have a sister. When I finally found out that I have family they told me I wasn't good enough. Dammit! I should've tried harder.

All four of her were mentally beating themselves up when a soft knock was heard.

"Um, excuse me. A woman with a black cloak told me to give this to you this morning. I have been searching for you four all day" an old woman stepped into the room holding a box. She lightly set the wooden box down on the table and stepped out with a small bow of her head.

"You really have a caring friend" the woman called as she left. The three genin looked at each other. Who's going too open the box? They all knew who it was from, but they didn't have the heart to open it.

Naruto stretched his hand out to the box, slowly opening it. His breath caught in his throat when he saw what was inside. Naruto reached in and handled the object as if it was his own life.

He slowly lifted it up revealing a ring made of fresh flowers.  Daffodil and aster flowers woven together to make the delicate jewelry. There were four in total. Sasuke grabbed his own and Sakura grabber hers along with Kakashi's. At the bottom was a note.

Thank you for understanding me, and becoming my new family. A picture of the five of them together was stuffed into the note along with two pieces of paper.
The meaning of the daffodil is a symbol of a strong family bond. Giving one to someone means they accept you into their family.

The Aster flower is usually used when showing gratitude. It is often given to someone that has given something special to the giver.

Naruto crumpled up the two pieces of paper in his hand. Tear were building in his eyes.

"She trusted us. She had so much faith in us that she made us these. She accepted us into her family. All we did was question her like a criminal" Naruto was choked up when he finished talking. No one in the room could look at each other.

After some time spent in silence Sasuke and Naruto stood up. They placed the flower rings back into the box and closed it with a loud thud resounding as they went back to their room.

The whole night not even a word was shared between them.

They had failed someone who needed their help, and now it was too late.

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