The lady purses her lips with displeasure... maybe she doesn't like her tattoos despite only the ones on her hands are visible. This woman looks like one of those high society ladies, wearing designer dresses, carrying around one of those huge bags of a famous brand that you're stuck for months in a long waiting list in order to get one. She also has a fashionable dog carrier with an angry bug-eyed Chihuahua that hasn't stopped growling and pacing up and down nervously. Some people don't understand that a dog needs exercise instead of a Swarovski collar. I guess that Ares' tattoos are the epitome of rebellion for a woman like this one. Unless she's staring at me... I don't think so since I don't look ridiculous next to her for a change. I'm wearing my dark blue wool pants, my new shoes, the beautiful light blue silk shirt that matches my Chanel jacket and leaning on the back of my seat my dark blue coat is waiting. Everything is elegant, classy and matches in colour and the body armour forces me to keep my back straight like a good girl. I can't be the problem...

The Assassin moves her hand again, her fingers rubbing up and down my thigh absentmindedly and the lady fidgets on her seat disturbing the poor dog that eventually had managed to sit down calmly. I understand all of a sudden: homophobia. "Wow! This is funny..." my conscience whispers in my mind. "What are we going to do now? This is the first time we face this kind of situation." The truth is that I've been very lucky my whole life since, even if I was bullied in high school, the verbal abuse was related to my nerd side since I was too young to understand my sexual identity. At MIT students and teachers care about your GPA more than who visits your bed and then I became the hermit that worked for Winston. People who live in the underworld mind their own businesses and have seen it all before. I've never had to deal with the deplorable lack of empathy of homophobic people with the exception of some derogatory comments from my mum's friends when I was a kid and barely understood what they were talking about. I don't know what to do now...

I lean towards Ares on impulse and kiss her cheek slowly, very close to her lips. The Assassin looks up startled and our pilot comes right in the VIP Lounge waving at her along with two men that work for Julius and are here to make sure that everything goes fine and Aidan minions don't bother us. Ares lets her newspaper drop on the coffee table and gets up, taking her coat, getting closer to them after gesturing at me to follow her. I can see the woman leaving the lounge in a hurry out of the corner of my eye while I put my coat on, shaking her head and grumbling unintelligibility while the small doggie runs behind her trying to not die suffocated by the leash. I can't help chuckling very proud of myself.

"Stupid thick head," I think while taking a few steps to follow Ares who's already near the door. And I see her at that moment. She's coming towards the VIP Lounge from the side corridor, walking decisively with her eyes fixed on me. She's still wearing the Continental uniform... "Angela... what is she doing here?" I think perplexed. "Maybe I forgot something in the hotel's bar yesterday and Julius has sent her to give it back to me... but I don't know what. My only essential possession is my phone and it's in my hidden pocket along with my gun." I'm about to call Ares to tell her that the beautiful brunette is here, and I guess she won't be happy since she got mad at me yesterday because of her, when I notice that the young Italian is carrying something in her hand: the barrel of a silencer shines when she lifts her arm aiming directly at my head.

It's amazing how long one second can be when you're facing death... One thousand milliseconds during which you have enough time to see the weapon, you realize that it's a real gun, that is aiming at your head and that the very same person that yesterday was talking to you and laughing with you while having breakfast is ready to kill you. During that short second you have enough time to realize that you don't want to die because you have two cute cats to take care of, a lot of cornetti with chocolate to eat and a beautiful woman that you aren't ready to let go because you love her. During the very last milliseconds you're able to see out of the corner of your eye that the Assassin who makes your heat race has taken her gun and has shot it quickly, the girl that wanted to kill you flies back after getting a bullet in her head, blood sprays the glass door behind her and people scream but she's had enough time to pull the trigger too. An excruciating pain on your side takes your breath away while you fall back on a couch and remain staring at the ceiling while your lungs seem to be blocked. All those things can happen in a second...

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