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My stories are tagged 'Mature' for a reason: they may contain graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes. I believe that's enough warning, if you think you're mature enough to enjoy my sexual scenes you should be mature enough to understand that we don't live in a world made of Gummi Bears. I never do that trigger warning thing BUT, just in case and because I'm aware that some readers are really young, I'm going to talk about war. War sucks. Bad things happen to good people in the middle of the war. If you can't deal with it, you should skip this chapter, although you're going to lose the reason behind  Ares behaviour. What happens here to Nika is a real testimony of a Bosnian girl that survived a terrible experience and told it to a war reporter that now is a famous Spanish writer. 

Anyway, thank you for reading and I'm sorry if I give you a hard time with this chapter.

"I'm getting a distinct sense of déjà vu, I feel like I've lived this moment for sure before... it was yesterday, in fact," I think while I stick my head out of my bedroom door cautiously with my phone in my hand, wearing a pair of jeans and my Vans again and a new hoodie with the words "Intellectual badass" in white on a red background. Ares is nowhere to be seen and the house is totally silent apart from the noise of my electronic systems. I walk slowly towards the kitchen just in case she's having breakfast, tripping over my cats when they get in my way, but there's no one in here so I take advantage of my solitude to pour myself a glass of juice and shove two cookies into my mouth before putting some food on Bonny and Josie's bowls. Back to the living room, I tiptoe towards her half-open bedroom door feeling ridiculous while I'm doing it: for heaven's sake, she's a professional killer, probably I'm making more noise than an elephant in a glassware shop and she can hear me from a mile away. I press my ear to the wood, listening so intently I can hear... nothing... till suddenly the water hits the bathtub with a distinctive sound. She's taking a shower...

"Move, Nira," I scold myself inside my head; "you don't want her to get out of the shower naked and catch you here staring at her like a pervert, don't you?"

"No, of course I don't want that," I think while blushing furiously.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" my conscience sings in my head making me blush even more thinking about Ares soft skin without clothes covering it. I wonder how many tattoos she has and if she'd let me take a closer look... I mean, mostly out of professional curiosity, of course, to make a list of them and annex it to her file. My conscience laughs mockingly inside my head, she knows me well and it's pretty obvious that I'm lying to myself. I wasn't joking when I said that I really liked Ares... a lot actually, I think I've a crush on her since I wrote her file.

"The file! I need to update it," I think while I rush to my chair and turn on my laptop. I hate when the information is incomplete, I guess that's why I'm so good at research: I have a compulsive obsession with data, I always need more and more. I look cautiously over my shoulder but my bodyguard is still nowhere to be seen, and I can hear the shower clearly, so I enter the password to access the most private and protected file in my system: index cards of every member of the Company.

Identification data:

Andreja Luksica "Ares."

Date of birth: 20 March 1986. Place of Birth: Velika Gorica, 11 miles away from the city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia.

Marital status: single. Known relationships: ---

I frown when I read that. Deep inside I'm happy knowing that Ares is single but, as I said, I hate when there is a lack of information and I'm pretty sure she's had a relationship at some point, she's certainly not a cloistered nun. Everyone has been in love at least once, right? But she's extraordinarily discreet with her personal life and to be honest I don't even know if she plays for the winning team... or she prefers boys.

Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant