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"Fuck!" I whisper exasperated. Working from Ares' home is very difficult for me since I only have my laptop, my phone and a tablet. I miss my six screens and my connection and equipment speed, here everything goes slower and I waste a lot of time jumping from one window to another to compare data that are shown at a glance in my home. I tilt my head to one side and the other in order to ease the stiffness of my neck muscles before taking a sly look at my hostess from the couch where I'm sitting working. She's taken a gun collection from a metallic wardrobe placed against the wall close to the kitchen, just looking at them fills my heart with fear, she's field-stripped them and now she's cleaning them and applying a layer of oil. She seems focused on her task and her movements are slow and controlled, like she's done this before a thousand of times; this is some sort of meditation exercise for her, a mechanical action that allows her to get lost in her thoughts while she keeps her hands busy. Bonny and Josie stay close to her on a couple of chairs, my cats adore her and never disobey her orders. A little while ago Josie jumped on the kitchen counter but with only a snap of the assassin's fingers and a warning look the cat jumped down with her tail between her legs.

Apparently, Ares is now the leader of this pack. I don't blame them for obeying the Alpha female, I don't dare to argue with her either. This morning, when she woke me up drawing back the curtains to let the light enter the loft, my breakfast was already waiting for me on the table: tea, toast, jam, butter, sliced fruit... a display almost as grandiose as the one we had at the Continental. To be honest I never have breakfast like that, actually I don't care that much about my meals and I'm satisfied with anything I can munch while I'm working, but the assassin seems to be a fan of the Mediterranean diet and she takes her time to eat calmly. When I tried to get up from my chair with my cup of tea and my laptop to start working, she shot me the same disapproving look that Josie got so I sat down again and finished my breakfast without daring to complain.

While she had a shower I took advantage of my time alone to poke around her house. As I suspected, the fridge is well-stocked and there're tools in the kitchen cabinets that only a person who can cook could use. Clothes are impeccably sorted by colour in her wardrobe, almost everything in dark shades of course: sportswear on one side, formal suits on the other one. She keeps boots, shoes and sneakers in a closet next to the front door, along with her coats. The only thing I can see through her windows is an expanse of water but I don't know if it's a river, a bay or the sea. I was almost tempted to open a GPS app in my phone and find out where I am but it's clear that the location of her house is a jealously guarded secret and I've decided to respect Ares' choice. I think it's very noble of me since I'm naturally curious. In other respects, there aren't personal things: any pictures, souvenirs of trips, vases or porcelain figures or any of those trifles that you buy in a bazaar not knowing why or that someone gives you as a present and they end up adorning your house even if they're useless. There's nothing but tons of books in several languages that cover virtually every topic imaginable. I may be very intelligent but the general knowledge of my bodyguard exceeds mine by far.

When she came out of the bathroom it was my turn and I confess that I took my time and enjoyed the luxury. Her shower is something out of a dream, I don't know what half of those buttons are for but I know that, if you push them, warm jets of water hit your body from everywhere and water falls as a rain over your head. I remembered to take my panties this time but not my clothes so I went out half naked again and kept my eyes on the floor embarrassed before looking in my luggage for something to wear. I was tugging at my T-shirt to take it out of the bag when something soft was placed over my shoulders: one of Ares' shirts made of blinding white fine cotton. I stood quietly while she dressed me up like a doll, buttoning it slowly so her knuckles grazed my breast gently. I swallowed hard when she leaned towards me but she just kissed me on my cheek and pointed at my laptop that was on the kitchen table, ready to start working.

Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fan fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora