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"All right Nira, here you go. Do you need something else?" A guest of the hotel walks past us right now so she's adopted a professional attitude, she seems very serious and dignified with her dark hair in a tight ponytail, wearing an impeccable and elegant black uniform with white shirt despite she's very young.

"No, thank you Angela. It's been a delicious breakfast. Best pancakes I've ever had... and thank you for the extra of whipped cream and chocolate." I whisper the last sentence winking at the waitress while I take the glass of orange juice that she's brought me.

"You're welcome... but don't tell Julius," she answers while giggling and abandoning any attempt of formality. I realize now that her beautiful golden skin is sprinkled with freckles and it makes her look like a naughty girl. "Are you coming for breakfast tomorrow too? My shift starts at 10 a.m. but I could come a little earlier to make sure that you'll have your extra dose of chocolate." Her grin is so wide that she's showing a lovely dimple on her cheek.

"That would be wonderful, thank you. You're adorable." Angela says goodbye to me with a last wink and she walks back behind the bar counter quickly so she can serve the rest of the customers.

To be honest the beautiful Italian girl saved my life this morning. When I arrived to the restaurant the place was empty since breakfast time was over and, even if Julius kitchen staff is always ready to cook you whatever you're craving instantly, the truth was that I couldn't stay there eating alone and I couldn't go back to our suite. I decide to go to the bar where, in addition to alcoholic drinks and coffee, they serve some snacks and sandwiches although I was dying for something sweet and with a high calorific value. Angela and her Neapolitan charm were waiting for me behind the counter and she was so kind to me, her smile seemed so honest, that I talked to her about my problem and she took charge of everything. She offered me a table in a corner of the bar and I sat on a comfortable burgundy velvet couch, then she went to the kitchen and ordered pancakes for me, with double whipped cream and chocolate and hazelnut cream, and also some slices of sweet orange. She poured me a perfect cup of tea with milk and cinnamon and entertained me with stories about her childhood in Naples while I was waiting for my food: she was a little rascal, I don't know how her mum managed to survive to all those pranks.

She got me not only a delicious breakfast at the best table of the bar but also her lively conversation and her funny stories managed to lighten up my mood. I couldn't stop thinking about Ares, I knew what she was going to do but I wondered how it would affect to her state of mind the fact that she was coming face to face with the man responsible for her sister's death, and what would happen when she got back to me, what should I say or if it would be right to ask her some questions about it. Maybe I should forget about the matter and focus on finding a solution for my problem with Aidan Finn... When I arrived to the bar I realized that the atmosphere here wouldn't help with my mood either, this place looks just like all the Continental bars around the world: dark and oppressive, prestigious and well-sought-after materials are barely visible due to the lack of light, this is a solemn area where agreements are concluded whispering and the leaders of the underworld feel safe from prying eyes. It's a pity because the dark green silk painted with ruby roses all over the wall is beautiful and it matches the velvet armchairs and the green marble tables, but the lamps made of gilded brass aren't giving off enough light to push the darkness so I'm unable to appreciate the silk in all its glory. The dark wood, almost black, of the floor, the bar counter and the furniture also contribute to this depressing atmosphere. This is what Italians call an 'English bar' and I understand that England is famous for its bad weather and rain but they don't live in perpetual darkness, do they?

"At least Angela was here to tell me funny stories," I think while drinking my orange juice. If it wasn't for her, I'd felt very miserable waiting for Ares to come back. I smile at the girl who's behind the counter serving a coffee to a client but a few minutes later he leaves his stool and walks out of the bar while my new friend is placing glasses on a self with her back to me. There's a couple sitting at a table on the other side of the room very focused on their conversation and ignoring what's happening around them... I frown, worried all of sudden. Maybe I should move to the hotel lobby so I can sit there where there're more people coming and going.

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