Show off (short chapter)

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"I still can't believe you were able to take down a demon, twice!" Delia babbled on as  we walked to our cabin. "I don't see what's so special about it, I bet I could have beaten it." Helix said, "and I wouldn't be bragging about it." She finished as she stomped into the cabin. "I didn't think I was bragging..." I said as I entered behind her. "Oh yeah totally." Helix says in a sarcastic voice. Delia and Abby came in behind us and I could see that they were also confused about Helix's behavior. "Seriously, you show off your skills in everything." Helix said throwing her arms up in the air. "Looks like to me your jelly." Abby said as she climbed into her bed. "Excuse me!" Helix screeched. Abby flinched and quickly hid under her blanket. "Helix calm down." Delia said trying to calm down the enraged girl. "Why the f*** would I be jealous of her!" Helix yelled throwing her arms about. "Helix, I promise I'm not showing off." I said hopeing it would calm her down. She just huffed croshed her arms and went to her bed. Right before she climbed under the covers she said, "I could kill all of you if I wanted to." Slightly confused by Helix's out burst I got ready for bed. I was still thinking about it as I fell asleep.

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