Old friends

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"Why did you avoid my hug?!" My friend Pneuma cried.

"Sorry, but um, what are you doing here?" I ask quite surprised by her sudden appearance. She seemed to be about to reply before a strange look crossed over her face.

"Sorry, got to go! See you later!" Pneuma said waving to me before running off into the crowd of people. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted some one being chased down by a kid with a knife, I could tell that they were yelling at each other. Intrigued by what was happening I walked over.

The person being chased spotted me and his eyes widened. He changed his course to head over to me.

"Aideen!" I recognized him as another friend of mine called Thomas. The kid with the knife continued chase until he saw me.

"Hey, are you planning on guarding him? Because I'm planning on killing him." His grip on the knife tightened as he walked slowly up to us. I shrugged my shoulders before saying,

"I guess I am because he is my friend, and I should probably make sure he doesn't get hurt." The kid just laughs.

"What do you think your going to be able to do? Huh, your a girl and I'm a boy. I'm physically stronger." His smug smile and sexist words really pissed me off. I stayed silent as he continued to advance.

"Oh scared are we now?" He stopped a few steps in front of me,

"Just give up you won't be able to beat-" I cut him off with a jab to the throat. His body collapsing to the ground as he struggled for air.

"Don't worry I just closed off your esophagus for a bit, you'll pass out and then wake up again." I said leaning down with a smile on my face. After he passed out I stood up again and turned to Thomas.

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask. He just stood there with a look of shock on his face.

"What the hell, was that!" He yelled, then motioned towards the limp body.

"What do you mean?" I question raising one of my eyebrows.

"You just made him collapse!" Thomas was waving his hands towards the person.

"Ya, people here have done worst." Shrugging I lean back down to the body.

"What do you mean worst!" Thomas yelled again slightly freaked out. Sighing I pick up the body.

"Like murder?" I answer.

"Come on, let's get back to the group." I said as I started to walk torwards the crowd.

I hear a few grumbles behind me before Thomas started following.

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