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It's the next morning and a doctor comes in and unattaches the I.V. "Your free to go make sure you keep the wound wrapped in fresh bandages and if it gets infected come straight back here." She says as I get up and grab my stuff from the room. As I step out of the room Abby and all of my other friends show up and start crowding around me. "Hey! Your crowding around me!" I laugh as they all back off. "Aideen we were so worried! Don't do that again!" They were all talking at once. "Come on we should probably leave we're crowding the hallway." I say slightly emberrased yet happy because all my friends are here. It was then that a thought or more like a voice came into my head "Are you truly happy? Are you happy to be forgotten by the sands of time? You are destined for greater than this"

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