"Wow. I do love these. Thanks" he smiles at me and I return a shy one. That was a close call.

Someone calls Sean from a far and he gets up.

"Later guys. I'll see you in Will's class". He gets up and kisses my check. Before he leaves. He grabbed another donut and walks off. I then let a breath of air out I didn't even know I was holding.

"That's was a close one" I drag out leaning my head on Josh's shoulder

"Your crazy. You almost killed your lover" He says making the whole table break into laughter and cries. I roll my eyes.

"I hate you Beauchamp" he smiles and pulls me into a hug

"You know you love me" he says

Soon enough break was over and Will was teaching. I heard from Janelle that everyone is gonna love this one. I was pretty excited. I decided to stand by myself today in class. I just think I'm more focus when I'm by myself. The whole group stands in front and I stand in the middle around other people. Some of them say hi to me and smile and wave.

"WHATS UP EVERYONE!!!" Will yells running on stage and everyone cheers.

"How is everyone enjoying BABE18 so far?" He asks and a bunch of goods or greats are heard from around the room.

"Thats great. This is only the second day so there is more to come. With this dance, I wanted you guys to have fun but learn something. Something I like about dancing is you can do it in your own style to show who you are as a dancer or a person. I feel like everyone should unleash there inner freestyle and show who they are. But enough talking, let's start" he says and we get into places. He starts teaching and what can I say, this is probably the best classes I've ever been in that Will teached. The mix had different songs in it and was honestly fire asl.

1 hour later

"Good job everyone! Let's do some groups. First I want my boys with me and Janelle. Then I want a duet with Janelle. Then I'll pick some of you guys in the crowd. How that sound?" He asked and we cheered. We all form a big circle.  And Will and the guys all go in the middle. I walk over and went to go stand with Kaycee. I look around and don't see Sean.

"Hey Kay, where's Sean" she gives me a weird look and looks around not seeing him either.

"That's odd. I don't know. He's probably just somewhere in the crowd" she says and I nod. After they killed that choreography. Janelle grabs my hand and brings me to the center. I'm shocked as everyone hyped me up and all my friends and everyone else get a lil closer. I finally see Sean, he was sitting on the stage.

Ok Maya, it's time to shine. Do your best and go full beast mood!

And that's exactly what I did. I went fill out. Everyone was starting to stand and really dig my preformance. Will also started standing and walking a bit forward yelling things like "YESSS Maya" or "Go Offfff!!!" And let's not forgetting "nastyyyyyy"

"Cmon Maya! Yesss girl!" He yelled clapping his hands. Once the dance was done. I freestyled a bit before walking off. Julian came over to me leaning his forward on mine. It was this thing him and I did when one of us would kill a choreography.

"Nastyyyy Maya!!! Gittttt!" He smiles holding my head against his. I smiled and hugged him. All of my friends were giving that stank look with a smile.

"Woah Maya, didn't know you could go that hard" Jay says. I shrug and stick my tongue out. Other groups went and then class was done. Will gave a speech then we all waited for Sienna's class to start. I walk over to Sean and see him sitting with his head hanging low.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask him putting my hand on his face

"I'm not gonna be dancing for the rest of the day" he says lowly

"What why??" I ask him

"I hurt my ankle in BDash's class but it wasn't hurting that bad. Now doing this dance it started to hurt even more. Will made me go check it with the nurse and she said to put an ice pack on it and rest for the whole day" he said. I frown and rub his back

"Well Sienna's class is the last of the day. We can leave and head to your room" I suggest and he shakes his head

"No Maya. I can't let you leave. Your at BuildaBeast for a reason and it's your goal to take all the classes here and train. I can't let you miss her class"

"It's ok Sean. This is a secret but on our first break today, Sienna already taught me that her dance. I'm sure she won't mind me missing her class. I'll text her letting her know" I say and he nods.

We get up and I help him up to his room. He limps all the way. Once we get to my room. He takes his shirt off and lays down. I look in the hotel fridge for a ice pack and I see one. I wrap it in a hand towel so it wouldn't be to cold and put it on his ankle. I set it down and he winces a bit but then relaxes.

"Feel better?" I asked him sitting beside him. He looks up at me and smirks

"Now that I have you all alone" he winks and sticks his tongue out looking like a emoji (😜). I push his shoulder in a playful matter rolling my eyes.

"Your such a goofball" I smiled and he intertwines our hands. I rest my head on my hand as I stare into space thinking. I really hope Sunday goes as planed. I'm really scared Sean might reject me in front of everyone. But I'm feeling confident that everything will be fine and he'll accept my offer of him being my boyfriend. I see a future for me and Sean, but I don't know what's gonna happen in the next five years. I hope we'll still be together. Maybe move in together. Travel together. And maybe later on in our lives. We could start a family. Ok Maya your going to far now.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a pair of eyes piercing into me. I look towards Sean seeing him staring right into my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked feeling a little awkward

"I'm admiring you" he says slowly. Causing me to blush a bright red.

"I can see your little freckles under your eyes  and nose. And a beauty mark beside your ear and one on your neck" he says. You would have to really pay close attention to my face to only know that. He pays attention to me!

"Ok Lew Lew Charles. I think you should go to sleep" I laughed a bit taking the ice pack off.

"Can you sleep with me?" He whines. I roll my eyes along with a sigh and lay down facing him. He pulls me closer and wraps his arm around me

"A quick nap ok?" He nods and we close our eyes. Little did I know that this was longer then a nap

To Be Continued

Sorry I took so long to post this. I've been slacking a lot but don't worry I'm back and better then ever!😁

Omggg guys can you believe Will and Janelle are getting Married in like 2 weeks?? I'm soooo happy for them❤️

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