"She likes ramen and is addicted to sweets. Oh and she likes to go on walks and look at the clouds. Shikamaru told me that"

"Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"Her mother was an Uchiha who had sharingan eyes. The clan leaders pushed her mother to fight, so she fled with Chikako and lived somewhere where it snowed a lot." Sasuke finished and Naruto sighed.

"We don't know much about her, huh?" Naruto asked solemnly.

A loud scream made the team jump out the window. They ran towards the sound and found themselves at a bath house. A few girls ran out of the locker room screeching in horror. The males rushed into the locker room to see what happened only to be greeted with Jiraiya laying on the ground behind some bushes with binoculars.

"Pervy sage! We found you!" Naruto yelled. After Naruto finished lecturing the sage, Kakashi informed Jiraiya of the condition that Chikako is in. They headed back towards the village with the upmost of urgency. It took them only three days to arrive back at the village despite their initial week of traveling. Team seven brought Jiraiya to Tsunade and they all made their way to Chikako's hospital room.

Shikamaru and his team were in there visiting her when they arrived. The male had made himself comfortable in the chair next to her bed while Choji and Ino were in the corner just talking. They made room for the new comers when Chikako's team hurried in the room with the two sanin. 

Jiraiya stood on one side of Chikako and Tsunade on the other. They both gathered their chakra and used the eight trigrams sealing style to put a eight sign seal on her back to replace the other. Both sages stepped back as Chikako slowly opened her eyes. Her face was covered, so no one noticed her awaking until he started to sit up. Sasuke and Shikamaru grabbed each side of Chikako's body and laid her back down.

"You're hurt. You need to lay down" Shikamaru said.

"Alright Shika" Chikako laid back down and looked around the full room.

"Thank you for taking care of me" She said and bowed her head as much as she could without opening her wound. The group fussed over her for the next few days. Chikako had to steal a crutch just to sneak out of her room. She honestly wasn't even hurt anymore. Tsunade just wanted her to stay in the hospital to keep a watch on her and the newly applied seal. 

Chikako used the crutch to move up the stairs that lead up to the Hokage monument. However as she reached the top she found that a boy beat her to it.

He had a green jumpsuit on with a ninja belt wrapped around his hips. His large eyebrows were visible from where she stood. His bowl cut hair style seems to shimmer. She swore she could've seen twinkling in his hair. A man that looked exactly the boy sat down on the stairs next to him. They exchanged a few words.

Chikako didn't want to interrupt them, but her back was burning up and she needed to sit. She hobbled over to where he two males were and sat down next to them. She let out a sigh when they noticed her.

"I see you are injured as well" the younger one said. Chikako nodded and looked between the two. The older one laughed and introduced himself.

"I'm Guy. You may be covered in black but the power of youth is strong within you" he cheered. Guy gave Chikako a thumbs up and a smile. She thought she saw the twinkle in his teeth this time. I must be going crazy.

"I am Rock Lee. Guy-sensei's pupil. It is nice to meet you" Lee spoke and held a thumbs up mimicking his teacher.

"I'm Chikako. Part of team seven" She said.

"Oh? So you know my greatest rival Kakashi." Guy said. Chikako nodded and waited for more information.

"Who's rival now?" A new voice piped in. Chikako sighed. They found me.

"Ah Kakashi. I challenge you and if I loose I will run 300 laps around the village with Chikako on my back!" Guy announced.

"I believe it's my turn to pick the challenge" Kakashi said bored. Guy nodded and let Kakashi think.

"Let's bet on Chikako's actions" Chikako tilted her head.

"I have two types of chocolate pastries in my hand" Chikako's mouth was already watering.

"Well each hold one. Whichever one she takes the pastry from wins" Kakashi held out a freshly baked chocolate muffin and a plate of chocolate tart. Guy chose he chocolate tart and they both stood there. From beside her Lee was cheering on his sensei. Chikako looked back and forth between the two with an absent expression. She snatched both pastries and started nibbling in the chocolate muffin first.

"Alright! I lost" Guy announced. He picked up Chikako carefully and placed her on his back then began his 300 laps. Both Lee and Kakashi sat where they could see Guy every lap. For the first 20 Chikako nibbled on her pastries. When she was out Kakashi reached into his bag and threw another at her as they passed. Kakashi and Lee took turns throwing Chikako muffins until Guy was done with his laps.

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