Chapter 32

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Ebuka's P. O. V

After Mirabel left me,I became a drunkard. If I wasnt at the hospital,I was either at the bar drinking or at the bar in my house drinking. You can't blame me my wife abandoned me. She ran away with my child. She derived me the privilege of been a dad and she knows that's all I desire,to be a dad. If I see her in the nearest future remind me remove her head and I am serious about it.

I am walking on a street and I don't know the name of the street,all I know is I am just walking on a street. As I walked I heard a gunshot I looked around but found no trace of hoodlums. So I continued to walk, then I heard it again I wanted to run but something told me to go and check it out,when I was contemplating if I should go and check it out or I should just run and save my life. I heard it again so I traced it to a building opposite where I stood so I went to the building.

When I got to the gate of the building, I pushed it and it opened so I entered. As I walking in the compound someone pushed me to the ground so I fell.

     After,the person who pushed me left,I stood up and ran inside the building and began to shout," Is anyone home? I am to save you. Please answer ".

" Help me",a voice shouted.

When I reached the living room,I shouted,"Jesus!!!! What are you doing here? Who did this to you, Kamsi?".

"Amanda,Amanda. Please save Amanda", that was all she said.

I looked beside her I saw her husband Greg,he looked- dead. She's is bleeding, her and her husband reminded me on Victor and Vidya before they died. Who could be this cruel to want to kill them?. There was blood all over the room. The person who did this must be heartless.

" dead?",she said in a low tone, I could hardly hear her.

"Yea,I think so. He isn't moving so........yea", I said still haven't gotten over the shock of seeing her like this.

She began to cry," Amanda......please save my baby.....please treat her like she is yours........please......protect her. Kira, Bella, Josh, Dawn, Seb Charles,they........are.....not safe. Please help me, I don't want to die",she begged and again it remained me of Vidya. Those were Vidya's last words "please help me, I don't want to die". I began to cry as I remembered them.

" Where is....... Amanda?"I asked as I stammered.

"In my car. She's your daughter now", she said still crying.

" Who did this to you?",I asked.

"Annnn-", she said as she died.

I ran outside and began to check all the cars in the compound, then I heard the cry of a baby,so ran towards to car. I tried to open it but it was locked. So I checked for a very big stone,when I found one I used it to break the car window. I opened the back seat,took Amanda and ran away.

As I ran with Amanda in my hands,I thought," she's my daughter now".

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