Chapter 16

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Kamsi's P.O.V

I sat down in the sitting room with a cup of coffee in my hand. I am still on my pyjamas, my hair is really messed up,my cheek is filled with tears. I HV been like this since last night. Its painful to know your husband put another girl in the family way,especially when u HV warned him. I know am not better than him but I never had sex with Greg even when it was difficult to resist I stopped myself. And the only person I can run to are my best friends and Greg but currently Greg isn't talking to me and I desperately need his arms around me right now. I called Harrison and told him I won't be at the office today.

There was a knock on the door so I went to check who it was. When I opened the door I saw my best friends without warning I hugged Bella tightly.

"Hey Kamsi,you look horrible. Don't tell me u HV been crying since last night", Kira said as she walked into the house.

" You sounded hurt when u called us. So we came ASAP.",Bella said as she gently pulled me away from her,shut the door and led me to the couch.

"What do u want to eat?", I asked

"Well we are good",Kira said.

" I prepared jollof rice,moi-moi and turkey, so are u sure u don't want to eat?",I asked raised one of my brows.

"Okay,that's tempting. We will eat but I will go and get the food am not a stranger, I know where the utensils are. So sit back and relax,mamas got u", Bella said as she stood up and went to the kitchen.

I would HV argued with her but I don't hv the strength to argue so I let her get the food.

Few minutes later, we are done in eaten,Kira and Bella cleared the dinning table and watched the dishes. If I wasn't so down, they would HV left the dishes for me to wash and then they will turn my house upside down and leave.

They both came to sit beside me." What truly happened? Tell us everything, don't leave anything out",Kira said.

"Andre impregnated Anna", I said trying to find my voice.

"His Personal Assistant?", Bella and Kira asked in unison.

" Yea. I warned him to stay away from her but he refused. Greg was right Andre is bad news.",I said in between tears.

"Greg?", Bella asked.

" Who the hell is Greg?", Kira asked.

Oooohhh, I didn't tell them about Greg. How will I tell them? I can't tell them at least not now. My thought was interrupted when my phone rang. It was Greg.

"Pick up. 'My idiot' is calling", Kira said looking at my phone.

" I don't want to talk to him now. I am not in the right frame of mind to talk to him.",I said avoiding eye contact with them.

"Okay, how can we talk things out if u are hiding something from us. We are trying to help u out here,Kamsi.(my phone rang again). If u don't pick that god damn call,I swear I will pick it myself and u don't want me to", she said angrily.

I picked the call and said," Hey, good afternoon.............I am not feeling too well that's depends on how u look at it but I will be don't is not the right time.......... Never...............u are bluffing..........Fine,tomorrow.......... No,I will meet u at the studio...... Bye". They were looking at me like I stole something.

"Are u going to tell us or should I force it out of you?", Kira threatened.

If I don't tell her she will definitely force it out me or maybe she could call Greg and force it out of him. I just don't want to try her,she's crazy.

" He is my boss,we were kinda like friends with benefit. I actually love him but I guess he doesn't feel the same way about me. We kinda broke up when he found out Andre was my husband. They both hate each others guts. I tried to ask them y they hate each other so much but all I got is nothing." I ended.

"Who do u love more and when did all this start?", Bella asked.

" Greg. I felt wat we had was real. I never thought I could enjoy been kissed until we actually kissed on the hallway. I know I shouldn't HV cheated on Andre but trust me its hard to resist that cute gorgeous guy. We hated each other so much before but everything changed with just one kiss. He does things that Andre has never done for me",I explained.

"Who did u tell u won't be coming to the office? ", Bella asked

" Harrison ",I answered reluctantly

" Ahhhhh,that weirdo. That's guy that's madly in love with you ", Kira said.

There was a knock on the door. We all stared at the door like it will magically opened on its own.

"Are u expecting anyone?", Bella asked and I whispered a no.

" Who are you,please?", I heard Bella ask.

"I am Annalisa", the lady at the door said.

" Anna?",I, Bella and Kira asked in unison.

Kira and I went to where Bella stood. Kira drew Anna inside the house and threw her travelling bag she came with to only God knows where.

"So u are the Anna we HV been hearing of. So what are u doing here?",Bella asked.

"I came to stay here. I will be expecting Andre's first child so I deserve to live with him.",Anna said proudly as she sat on my sofa.

She really has some guts,she's sitting on my sofa ooooo she's so dead.

" Y are u guys treating her properly? Let me show her were she belongs", Kira spoke angrily as she was about to hit her I held her back.

"Mind your language or else she will send u too a coma you shameless church rat", I said.

" Says the childless old witch who ate her baby"Anna said. Kira lost a cool and punched her,she bled and her lips tore a bit.

"Say one more word again and I swear I will beat the shit out of u,you shameless whore", Kira yelled.

" Stay out of this its not your fight",Anna said.

"Really,okay.Girls let's show this punk whose fight it is. Our style",Bella said mischievously.

I,Bella and Kira went to where she sat on the floor and beat the hell out of her.

"Please, I beg of you. I am so sorry I didn't mean to be rude. Please", she begged but we turned deaf ears. We are really determined to reconstruct her face.


We took Anna to the hospital and told the doctor she slipped and fell. We paid for the bills and left.

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