Chapter Twenty-Six: The Goodbye to a New Beginning

Start from the beginning

All Matthew managed to say was, "Wow."

I bit my lip and held both of his hands, "Consider it as a 'Going-Away Present.'"

He smiled and laughed a little, "Well that was one of the best presents I have ever had."

"Well I'm glad," I smiled.

I couldn't stop smiling. Did that really just happen? Did I really just do that? Of course I did because how else could I be feeling this way?

Then we both heard over the intercom, "Now boarding flight to Virginia."

Now my smile slowly went away. I didn't want him to leave me. He just became mine and I don't want to let him go.

I hugged him and didn't want to let go. I whispered into his ear. "Please don't go."

His arms wrapped around me and it was amazing. He whispered back to me, "I'm not leaving you. This is only going to be temporary. We'll be back together soon."

He let go of me. Then he grabbed his bag and put on his backpack. He then looked at me, "I'll call you once I get home."

"Do you promise?" I held his hand. Why did he have to live 2,000 miles away?

"Jenni, have I ever lied to you?" He smiled.

Then the intercom went off again, "Final call for the flight to Virginia."

He squeezed my hand before letting go, "I'll see you soon. We'll figure everything out. Okay?"

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then walked towards the door to board his plane.

I waved to him and watched him walk away. He turned around one last time. He smiled as he waved to me. Then he walked into the door. This was the last time I'm going to see him for awhile.

This wasn't a defeat at all. Matthew and I had defined our relationship and I made the first move, which I did not regret. So I would like to call this a win.

I then turned around to go back outside to where Brandon was but then was stopped by security.

"Excuse me miss," a security guard said.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him.

"We're not allowed to have teenage girls running past security without a thorough inspection," he explained.

"I'm sorry. I just had to say goodbye to my boyfr- I mean to a guy," I hesitated. Was Matthew my boyfriend? It was never formally brought up. "It was a quick and harmless goodbye. I didn't intend to past security. It was just an impulse move."

"Okay ma'am, how about this," the security guard told me. "I'll let you go off on a warning as long as you don't do any more of those impulse moves. Sounds good?"

"Yes sir. Thank you. Thank you so much," I excitedly said as I shook his hand and then walked away towards Brandon's car.

I then saw Brandon panicking and worrying in the car, "So now are you going to tell me what the heck is going on?"

So on the car ride home, I explained the whole entire story, but I decided to leave out the kiss part. Because I know how Brandon's older brother instincts would kick in.

"So you mean to tell me I woke up early, rushed to the airport, and waited in the car for a good thirty minutes all so you could say goodbye to a boy?" Brandon said. I couldn't tell if he was upset or not.

"Not just any boy," I interrupted. "Matthew Espinosa."

"I don't care if this guy is Matthew Espinosa, Dylan O'Brien, Channing Tatum, or Zac Efron. That's not the point," he said. "But this guy better be worth it."

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