Chapter 2

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Malhotra's were a powerful family in the Film Industry. They have been ruling Bollywood and hearts of almost all people in India since years. Prithviraj Malhotra was known as the first superstar of India at the very advent of films. He married Noor Begum. Together they gave movies which are known as 'classics' in the industry today.
Noor Begum was also known as the Queen of Golden Era of Bollywood. They had two sons - Rajesh Malhotra and Vijay Malhotra, both of whom carried on the legacy of their dad as successful actors. The duo started a production house named 'Malhotra Productions' and ventured successfully into it. Vijay Malhotra never married whereas Rajesh Malhotra married Maheen Kapoor who was a famous classical singer in the 80-90's. They both gave birth to Aarav and Ayaan Malhotra who surpassed the stardom of any other actor in the industry.

No wonder, the city of Mumbai was flooded with fans all across to have the last glimpse of their favourite heroine and family of superstars.

But I found it a little insensitive and intrusive. The family should be give slight, if not much at this point of time. Instead of that media was placed just outside their house capturing move of every person who walked in the door to grieve.

The sky shots were now replaced with shots of Ayaan Malhotra who just walked in the residence wearing white kurta pyjama rolled up his sleeves with black aviators. The journalists ran to him but his bodyguards escorted him inside well.



The sudden knock of the door took my concentration from the television. I walked to the door switching off the TV and opened it to see my dad back from a family function.

'How was the function Dad?' I asked seeing him wearing a traditional kurta-pyjama.

'It was good. Did you have food?' he asked to which I nodded in response.

I chatted with him for a while and then bid them goodnight for the day engulfing myself in dreams.


3 Weeks Later

'Dada, Wake up' I shouted early in the morning.

'If you are not going to wake up, how are you going to see off your daughter to Mumbai?' I shouted again and pounced on his sleepy forms to hug them tightly.

'Mumbai?' he asked quizzical.

'Remember i gave a few interviews last month. I got selected in Mumbai' I grinned at them waving my appointment letter.

Dada patted my head lovingly. He got emotional at the thought of leaving the city. He was sad that he would be alone after Maa again. But was also happy as it was great opportunity for my career.

The next few days passed in a jiffy with shopping and lots of emotional goodbyes. I was sad leaving my life here in Chandigarh, especially Dada and my best friend Ananya behind but I felt a churn in my stomach every time I thought about living in Mumbai.

It gave me excitement and umpteen butterflies as if I knew something awaited me. This just grew more and more as my appointment date came closer.

My tickets were booked and I got a small apartment on rent near office with the help of my father's friend. Looking for an apartment in Mumbai, that too for a single girl is all together another story but it was all managed somehow.

Little did I knew, I was yet to face the roller-coaster, named life.


'Rohan, Get the legal documentation done for the contract with the music company.
I want no mistakes or loopholes in it.' 'Extend my stay in London for 2 days after the schedule. '

'And book me hotel room tonight. Message me the details.' Ayaan instructed his assistant while putting on his leather jacket. People buzzed in his vanity with one man doing his hair while another woman did light touch ups to his face.

'Sir.. ermm' Rohan stammered while Ayaan gave him a bored face busy in his phone.

'Speak up Rohan, I don't have all the time in the world for you' He said still busy in his phone.

'Sir, Your father called and ...' Ayaan's eyes sprang up in anger and raised his hand as an indication for him to stop. He clenched the phone in his fist almost turning his knuckles white.


He shouted. Everyone working in the room froze in their place

'I said everybody OUT' He roared in anger.

The room which was filled with people now was empty.

'Next time he fucking calls you. There is no need to pick the damned call' Ayaan, standing 6 feet tall blazed fire at his assistant who could just nod feebly at him.

With this he dashed out of his vanity towards his car, only to be encountered by paparazzi trying to take his pictures and asking stupid questions which angered him more than he already was.

'Sir Sir, It's been a month to your mother's demise. The nation wants your statement of this.'

'Sir how do you feel? Our sources say there has a been crack in the family bond?'

'The family is family and it stays like that. I respect your curiosity but I would request you all to give some privacy at this grieving moment. Thank-you.' Ayaan said expertly in a monotonic tone, keeping his clenched fists to the side.

Meanwhile his bodyguards escorted him to his car. As an actor he was a pro at masking his emotions and he knew his PR would not be happy, if he charged at those journalists.

Not that, he cared but it was important to do certain things to maintain his stature in the industry.


'And this is your cubicle. I hope you liked the office.' Kiara, from the HR department gave me tour of the office.

To say I have like the office would be an understatement. I loved it. It was a huge multi-story building with different departments working on different levels and had a very cool yet sophisticated vibe to it. The floor was squeaky white clean and walls had posters framed of all the movies produced by the company. The office buzzed with activities and everyone was busy completing their work.

'Its beautiful' I smiled genuinely at her.

'Tell me if you need anything. Now that i have given you a tour, Rishab, who is our HR head will explain you everything you need to do. Take care.' She returned my smile.

Kiara was gorgeous, young, tall and had a pleasing personality. In short span of our tour, We gelled together very well and I was happy, I made a friend at the first day of office.

The day went smoothly and I chatted with a few more people. I don't know why but everybody in the office told me to beware of our Boss's wrath and try to remain in his good books. Ayaan Malhotra, himself handled all the business of this company and he did not spare anyone in its efficiency. Good for me, I didn't see him all day but it would be wrong to say that I didn't want to see him up and close. All the girls in the college were nuts about him and his every move became the hot topic of the nation. Seeing him from naked eyes was the dreams of many. I was not one of them but of-course curiosity rubbed off me too.

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