Detention Potion

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Sarafina's POV

I reach Professor McGonagall's classroom to see her alone. "Come in Miss Weasley, the boy in detention shall arrive shortly" she states.

"Who is it and what has he done?" I ask her curious.

"Graham Montague and his accomplice Miss Parkinson is serving detention with Mr Filch. They were found in position of Polyjuice potion. Can you guess whose hair they had?" she asks me. I shake my head. "Mr Malfoy's hair was in the potion" she states.

But that means it might not of been Draco that night. I might of broken up with him based on a lie I think to myself. Just then the door opens and Montague enters the room.

"Mr Montague you'll be serving detention with Miss Weasley tonight. I want this room spotless before you leave and no magic" McGonagall explains. Before leaving the room after making cleaning products appear.

"Montague I have a question before you begin and I want an honest answer" I say glaring at him. "Was it you that night with Parkinson?" I demand.

"Of course it was, and you're suppose to be as smart as Granger. Malfoy loves you and would never cheat on you. Pansy just wanted you out of the way so that she could make her move on him. But even with you gone, he won't look twice at her" he explains leaning against the wall. "I don't get it, Pansy is an amazing kisser and beautiful. While you are from a family of blood traitors" he states.

"Get to work" I tell him and he starts to wipe down the benches. A half hour later he was dusting after he finished wiping the desks. When Draco entered the room and walked over to me. "Do what do I owe the pleasure Draco?" I ask him.

"So you're back to Draco?" he asks smirking and I roll my eyes. "I take it you've found out the truth" he states.

"Yes, but it doesn't mean we're getting back together" I tell him.

"Yeah, I figured" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Draco I didn't trust you enough to know you'd never cheat on me with Parkinson or anyone else. If I can't trust you, then how can we be together?" I ask him.

"I know you love me as I love you. We can get through this together" he states. "I'm the one who found out about the potion and outed them" he adds. "It was after that a I realized why you gave me the necklace back" he says.

"Can I go now?" Montague asks when he finished dusting.

"No, you still need to sweep the floor" I tell him. He groans but grabs the broom and gets started on sweeping. "Draco why are you here?" I ask him.

"To return this to you and ask you to believe in us" he says placing a necklace on the table. "Now I have to get back onto patrol" he states before kissing my cheek. He then leaves the room.

"I think I'm going to vomit" Montague mutters.

"If you do, you'll just have to clean it up" I remind him. I look at the necklace on the desk and pick it up. What to do? I ask myself. I just place it into my pocket before going back to my homework. Which I'd been doing since I got here.

"I'm done" Montague announces and I look around the room. It actually looked really good.

"You may go" I tell him and he leaves the room as McGonagall returned.

"He did a good job" she states. "Thanks for the assist Miss Weasley, you may go" she tells me. Nodding my head I pack up my bag and leave the room. Still thinking about what to do about Draco. When I got to the common room I called Hermione and Ginny upstairs for girl talk.

"So it wasn't Malfoy, but Montague" Hermione says.

"That's missed up" Ginny states.

"I don't know what to do about this. I know I love Draco dearly, but with the war. I don't want to put him in anymore danger. Neither of us would be safe if we were together" I state.

"Follow your heart" Ginny tells me.

"I don't get what you see in him, but if it is true love. Nothing should you stop from being together" Hermione states.

"Thanks girls" I say hugging them. Ginny then left the room while Hermione and I prepared for bed. After getting ready I lay down on my bed with my cat at my side. I fall asleep to her gentle purring.

Sarafina Weasley: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now