Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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Sarafina's POV

The morning of the first quidditch match dawned bright and cold. I got dressed into my quidditch robes and grabbed my broom before heading down to breakfast with Hermione & Ginny. We sit with the rest of the team as Harry and Ron joined us. Slytherin has been giving our team a hard time and Ron wasn't taking it well. Though they don't really bother me and I think that's because I'm dating Draco.

While everyone else eats breakfast happily, Ron was acting like it was his last meal. "I must've been mental to do this" he whispers in a croaky voice. "Mental" he adds.

"Don't be thick" I tell him as Harry gives him some cereal.

"You're going to be fine, it's normal to be nervous" Harry assures him.

"Yeah, remember Harry before our first game" I remind him.

"I'm rubbish" Ron croaks. "I'm lousy, I can't play to save my life. What was I thinking?" he asks.

"I give up, Harry you talk some sense into him" I say before leaving. Angelina wanted me to check out conditions for the match. The others soon join me and I tell Angelina my findings. She then went to change before coming back out for the pregame speech.

"OK, I've only just found out the final line-up for Slytherin"Angelina tells us. Then consulting a piece of parchment says. "Last year's Beaters, Derrick and Bole, have left, but it looks as though Montague's replaced them with the usual gorillas, rather than anyone who can fly particularly well. They're two blokes called Crabbe and Goyle, I don't know much about them" she states.

"We do" Harry, Ron and I tell her.

"Well, they don't look bright enough to tell one end of a broom from the other" Angelina says while pocketing her parchment. "But then I was always surprised Derrick and Bole managed to find their way on to the pitch without signposts" she adds.

"Crabbe and Goyle are the same mold" I assure her. "But they no doubt have powerful swings. However, they're not very coordinated" I tell her. We hear hundreds of footsteps mounting the banked benches of the spectators stands. Some people were singing, though I could not make out the words.

"It's time" Angelina tells us in a hushed tone, while looking at her watch. "C'mon everyone, good luck" she says grabbing her broom. We grab our brooms and head out onto the pitch. Montague and Angelina shake hands before we take to the skies.

The game begins and Angelina gets the quaffle first. "And it's Johnson Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me" Lee says. Angelina passes me the quaffle while McGonagall scolds Lee. Just as Angelina is hit by a Bludger and I score a goal. Montague grabs the quaffle, but Katie steals it and we pass it between each other.

"The crowd are loving this, just listen to them, what's that they're singing?" Lee says. I listen closely and snarl when I hear the lyrics.

"Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing:
Weasley is our King.
Weasley was born in a bin
He always lets the Quaffle in
Weasley will make sure we win
Weasley is our King" the Slytherins sung. I growling I throw the quaffle to Angelina and go to the side of the pitch. Trying to calm down and watch the match. When Angelina misses the goal I join back in. Using my angry, disappointment, fury and sadness to fuel me up. When Ron couldn't block a quaffle the slytherins cheered and sung louder. Katie grabs the quaffle and we fly up towards the Slytherin goal posts.

It's twenty to thirty Gryffindor when Harry spots the snitch. Ron lets in two more goals, putting Slytherin in the lead as I grab the quaffle. I corkscrew up the pitch and throw the ball through the centre hoop. "Amazing goal by Sarafina Weasley" Lee announces.

I see Harry dive and knew he'd found the snitch. Thank Merlin for that.  Harry caught the snitch only to be hit by a bludger. "Are you alright?" I ask Harry as we land beside him.

"Of course I am" he assures me as Angelina helps him up.

"It was that thug Crabbe" Angelina tells him angrily. "He whacked the Bludger at you the moment he saw you'd got the Snitch but we won. Harry, we won!" she shouts.

"I'm going to go check on Ron" I tell them and walk over to our goal posts. "Ron, it's ok. It was one game, the next one will be better" I assure him.

"I don't think I can play quidditch anymore Sarafina, I stick at it" he tells me gloomily.

"Ron you just lack confidence, otherwise you're a decent player" I tell him. "You can't let rivals get to you or effect you" I add.

"Weren't you angry or upset by the song?" he asks me.

"I was furious" I tell him. "But I didn't let it effect me badly, I used the anger to make me fly faster, shot straighter. Of course, I'm going to have some serious words with Malfoy about this" I assure him as we walk towards the lake. "He better have a hell of an explanation or we're through" I state.

"Good for you, he's not good for you anyway" he states.

"But I really love or loved him Ron, you'll understand that some day" I tell him.

"Not bloody likely" he tells me and I shake my head. "Come on, lets go back to the castle. I'm going to tell Angelina I quit" he states.

"Just think it through on the way back" I tell him and we head back up to the castle.

"Sarafina!" Draco calls and I glare at him hotly.

"Go to the party Ron, I'll be there shortly" I tell him. Ron nods his head and leaves me to deal with Draco. "You have a lot of explaining to do and let me guess my brothers did that" I say smirking as his beat up face.

"Yes and Potter as well" he states. "Sarafina I know your angry, but please hear me out. It was Pansy and Montague's idea" he tells me.

"You think that makes it better?" I demand. "Because of you Slytherins my brother is thinking of quitting the team. He may not be as good as Oliver, but he is a great keeper when he has confidence. Your team took that confidence away from him" I state.

"I'm sorry" he tells me.

"Sorry isn't good enough Draco, it wasn't just Ron the song affected. Weasley is our king, not Ronald or Ron. But Weasley" I tell him. "Fred, George and I are used to your houses tactics. But this was to far even by your standards" I state.

"What are you saying?" he asks with said eyes.

"We need a break, I have to seriously think about my future and if you're the right guy for me. To do that, I can't be with you right now. I need to be aware from dating for awhile" I explain.

"And the necklace?" he asks.

"I'll keep it for now" I tell him. "But when I make my decision you'll know. I'll either wear the necklace publicly or return it to you" I state.

"Ok, good bye for now" he says and kisses me gently. "I just wanted to do that one last time, encase you choose we break up for real" he states before leaving. Taking a deep breath I turn on my heel and continue onto Gryffindor tower. Where I find out Fred, Harry and George were banned from playing quidditch. While Ron is staying on the team while Angelina has try outs for two new beaters and asked me to be seeker. Saying Alicia Spinnet would take my place as Chaser for the time being.

Sarafina Weasley: Book 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora