day 7 . [LAST DAY]

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"So this is it." I said, looking down.

"Hey, there's always next year." Danny said, trying to cheer me up. Derek nodded. "He's right, we'll all be here next year, right?"

"That's true." I wiped away a tear.

"Or the school year." A voice said behind me. I turned around. "Dad!" I ran towards him and gave him a hug. "Wait, what do you mean?" I asked.

"You're going to Eppingswood High School." My dad smiled.

"NO WAY!" I screamed. I was homeschooled during freshman year because I hated middle school and I insisted on being homeschooled.

It's not as exciting as I thought it would be. I missed my friends the whole time, even though Adriana came over everyday.

He nodded and smiled. "I know how bored you are at home. So your mother and I enrolled you! And don't worry, I'm here to pick up Dimitri, so you can still take the bus." He said helping Dimitri with his bags and walked to the car.

"That's great news! Now I won't have to walk to your house everyday." Adriana giggled.

"And I get to see you everyday." Danny smirked.

"Me too!" Derek added.

"You don't even live in Eppingswood?" I raised my eyebrow.

Oh, right. Eppingswood is the small town we live in. It's usually cold and rainy. The population is about 6,000 people.

"I'm moving here!" He smiled. "My mom is letting me stay with a lady named Addison Montgomery." He shrugged. "But I got sent to camp first."

"That's amazing!" I smiled.

"Well, Addison Montgomery is here to pick you up." A woman with red hair said.

"Hi." Derek smiled.

"Well, I'll see you guys in August." He frowned turning to us. His eyes landed on me. He walked towards me and picked me up, spinning me around.

He set me down. "I'll see you soon, Thea." He slightly smiled and grabbed his bags, walking towards his car.

A bus pulled up to the camp. "The rest of us are going on the bus right?" I asked everyone.

"Hell yeah"

"Of course"


"No, Thea, a limo is taking me home"

"Okay, relax!" I laughed walking onto the bus.
We all piled onto the bus and sat in the very back. We all sung campfire songs from the campfire.

"Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I will not go! For if I do, my mother will sayyy:" We all sang.

"Have you ever seen a cow take a bow?" I said.

"Down by the bay!" We all shouted.

We all laughed as the song ended.
Once we got off the bus, everyone was saying their goodbyes. Luckily, our whole group went to E.H.S, so we'd all see each other in the fall.

After everyone else left, it was just Danny and I.

"So," I said. "What are we?" I asked walking to his car with him.

"Well, we'll find that out soon." He smirked.

"What does that mean?" I tilted my head.

"We'll become something when we're ready." He closed the trunk of his car.

He walked over to me and put his hands on my arms. He kissed my forehead. My whole body became warm and I smiled.

"I'll see you soon, T" He smirked hopping in his car and driving off.

Thank you all for reading my book :) The sequel is already out, since I was just on a long plane ride and had loads of free time lol.

Are you on Team Danny or Team Derek? Comment below!

Also, shoutout to whoever noticed the camps were named after water bottles.

And to whoever noticed that Derek Shepherd is a Grey's Anatomy character :)

And whoever knew Dimitri and Thea are both Greek names/they're greek lmao

Swipe for the sequel :)

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