Small Steps (revised)

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Your uncle grabbed your arm roughly and ripped you away from Miguel. So much for not making a scene.

"Don't touch her!" Miguel yelled and your uncle flipped on him.

"You are NEVER allowed to see (y/n) again." He barked starting to pull away.

"No you can't do this to me again!" You shouted as he pulled you behind a building.

"A musician (y/n)!?! You're just like your father!" He yelled back handing you. You hit a wall and breathed deeply.

"You think only of yourself." Your uncle kicked you in the side hard and you lost the ability to breathe. Not that it would help you and he lifted you by the throat and pushed you against the wall.

"So you might as well die the way he did. Alone." Your uncle snarled squeezing your throat.

You struggled hard but you had no oxygen and you were starting to black out when suddenly you hard a loud smack and your uncle's grip was gone.

Someone caught you and you leaned against them trying to breathe.

"Don't you ever touch her again." Came hector's voice. It was low and and threatening.

That's when it hit you the arms holding you were indeed skeletal and your uncle looked as though he'd seen a ghost.

Your uncle scrambled to his feet and ran away. But Hector held you anyway.

"Are you hurt mija?" He asked gently.

"No papa Hector." You said sadly. Well now Hector knew. Tears started to form in your eyes. You'd hoped you'd be able to make it work but when he tried to take Miguel something snapped.

A sob rattled your figure and you buried your face into hector's vest.

"Mija?! It's ok he's gone now." Hector attempted to comfort you but you only felt horrible. Yes, he was gone. The only family you had left. Now you were truly alone. More tears streaked down your cheeks.

"Hector he was just like ernesto." You whispered. You felt Hector tense and you continued quietly. "I thought I could take it." Your heart throbbed at the failure and you trembled.

Suddenly a thought hit you. "Oh no Hector what if?" You asked pulling away to look at hector. "What if I'm like them. What if I-i hurt miguel?" The words cut into you and your eyes locked with hector's worried brown orbs. Something about the sight made you look away.

Fresh tears burned your eyes and you covered your mouth with one hand in attempt to stifle the on coming sobs. "What if I'm a murderer too." You murmured.

Hector seemed to relax next to you. Then he pulled ypu into a gentle hug. After a few seconds of hushing your cries he pulled away and lifted your chin.

"You're not like them nina. Look at you. You are crying. Ernesto always thought only small children cried. You worried for me even after I accused you of lying about your parents. Ernesto never cared about anyone. Not truly. You nina are nothing like ernesto or that man. You (y/n) are my mija. And dont forget it." Hector said gently.

You grew a sad smile. "Thank you papa hector." You whispered hugging him. Hector grew a mischevious smile at that point.

"Since I'm your papa now I should treat you like my coco." You gave him a confused look but squeaked and jerked in his hold and he started to gently tickle you.

You laughed and squirmed and just then Miguel came running around the corner. He froze when he saw the scene playing out in front of him then smiled too.

"No no no Hector you're doing it all wrong. She's way more ticklish here. See?" Miguel instructed kneeling next to you two and tickling your stomach. You jolted and writhed around trying to escape while they both attacked you. Finally you caved and they stopped.

"So you're uncle?" Miguel asked worriedly.

"I don't think he'll stick around." You sighed. "Seeing as how papa Hector scared him off." Miguel grew a confused look and Hector smiled nervously before shrugging.

"You can stay with us. Since my mama coco passed we do have a spare room." Miguel said humbly. You frowned.

"Oh no I couldn't possibly." You said hurriedly. You didn't want to bother Miguel's family.

"Actually you can." Came a female voice from around the corner. You looked up to see a girl with a ponytail and glasses peeking around the corner. You recognized her as Miguel's cousin.

"I'd love to have another girl to talk to. You have no idea what being in a family with Miguel is like." You grew a small smile as Miguel led you back to his place.

When Miguel explained your circumstance his whole family agreed readily that you should stay. And even comforted you that if your uncle came back Miguel's abuela would teach him a lesson he would never forget.

And just like that the sun set on Dia de Los muertos. You said goodbye to Hector till the next year and you and Miguel went back into the house to write music together.


Now No One panic this may be the end of this book but I do have others coming out I will have a bout all about Hector x reader x Ernesto and another book dedicated to coco oneshot. You can pm me your ideas and I will try to do them. If you liked this book keep a look out for my other ones I should have them both posted by the end of today.

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