I put my books away and patted the space next to me indicating Jessica to sit down. She sighed and sat. "Okay, so what's up with you?"

"It's Miguel, I think we've finely reached the point of saving our relationship. We had a fight about his darn brother!"

"Why would you fight over Timmy?" Timmy was the same age as me and he wasn't a bad guy, he mostly just kept to himself. He hung out with his friend Nicholas who was in the 11th grade with Chase and Miguel. I see him sometimes when he picks Timmy up with his bright red Dodge Challenger Hellcat, Timmy would go to his house, and I heard Chase say him and Miguel didn't really get along with Nicholas. Probably because boys are worse with their egos and all.

Jessica rolled her eyes at me, "Well we were watching a horror, you know how I love horrors right?" I just nodded waiting for her to continue. "The little shit wanted to watch the sport channel and I said no, he and Miguel had an argument and then Miguel turns to me and has the audacity to say I should change the channel and stop being such a cry baby. I mean come on; I was there first!"

"Oh, my word Jess, you do realize it's his house." Jess was a very head strong person; she would make something big out of the smallest scenarios I could just imagine the way the scene went down. "But okay, what happened then?" I said rolling my eyes.

"It is his house, but it's his brother's too and we were there first! Then we shouted at one another, and I left. I think I'll go over there later and end things. I'm tired of that little shit always influencing Miguel and trying to get between us. The way I feel now he can just go and date his brother, I'm done!"

"Jess you know very well that your relationship with Miguel has nothing to do with Timmy's influence and if breaking up is what you want, you know I've got your back."

She gave me an annoyed look. "Well, I do think he has a lot to do with our relationship, but it won't change the fact that it is over. How are things with you and Chase?"

I was glad she changed the subject and excited to tell her about myself and Chase. As I told her about it, I couldn't help but feel a little uncertain deep down. I brushed the feeling off, it was probably just my nerves. Jess was very supportive, giving me advice and telling me what to expect. She and Miguel started being sexually active at a very early stage in their relationship, she had the actual experience. I have some knowledge only from the romance novels I've been reading in secret, I would probably get mocked if anyone knew I was a sucker for romantic novels.


I woke up to a loud banging on the door, knowing full well it was my mom. I checked my phone it was past 2 in the morning, I had an assignment due tomorrow and worked on it most of the night. I rolled my eyes at the thought and as I opened my bedroom door, Steven was on his way to me. The poor kid, he looked so tired and I just wished I could take him away from all of this.

"Go back to bed bud, mom probably just wants to talk." he gave me a weak smile and went back to his room.

Mom had fury written all over her face, plus it looked like she had a few drinks. Yeah, her new friend probably had a finger in the pie. "Shelby, I need to come in! Guess who I saw at the bar downtown, snuggling up to a tramp?"

"No mom, you can't come in. Please don't do this again. And what were you doing at a bar? You have a restraining order against dad, remember? That doesn't count if you go near him, does it?"

"Yes Shelby I do, but he doesn't get to party like he is the town's most eligible bachelor!"

I loved my mom, but it is just too much when will she realize that acting like this wouldn't change things. "Seriously mom? This is childish, I keep trying to understand why you wouldn't just move on, give up. I can't keep up with the drama that is all about you and dad trying to spite one another, and me and my brother having to be in the middle of this is sickening. You guys really need a reality check!"

This earned me a slap on the cheek, mom looked furious. "That's enough from you Shelby, I'm not going to let you talk to me about this. You have no idea what you're talking about."

I rubbed my cheek, it was one hell of a slap. "Really mom, then explain it to me please, I'm begging you. I'm really trying to understand, honestly, I am."

She wanted to say something, but I put my hand in the air for her to give me a chance to finish and continued. "You know what, that's fine. I need to go to bed now, you go right ahead and do what you came here to. Please just make sure to lock the door after you've finished."

I got into my bed, put my earphones. I don't know what's happened to my mom, when she and dad were together, she wasn't like this. She had her hands full with dad all of her married life, but she always tried to make the best of everything granted it wasn't easy with dad. But with this new friend in her life, she was different. It's almost like she was under a spell that turned her into someone she wasn't! Dad was always the way he is now, so there is nothing new about him.

I changed my playlist to symphonic music and eventually fell asleep.


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