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Before I start, let me just say what a struggle it was to find a decent vampire guy that look like a teenager.. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!

I screamed when I got tackled down to the ground. I looked up and saw Lilly. Thank God!

I pushed Lilly off of me. Lilly stepped aside and I got up.

"What the hell was that for?!" I asked, a little pissed off.

Lilly just looked at me and titled her head, like she was saying what do you mean?

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at her. All of a sudden, Lilly starts to growl at something behind me, and she started to charge at it. I quickly looked around to see Lilly jump onto a vampire.

"Was that what Lilly was growling at before?" I asked myself. If I would've known it was a vampire I would've never stepped foot out of the house. I'm not all about that "turn really pale and live forever, while sucking blood out of creatures for food, and adding on to that never been able to be in the sunlight," kinda thing. Oh I wish Lilly could talk. I wouldn't be so curious.

I watched them battle as I just stood there frozen in shock. I wanted to run but I didn't want to leave Lilly behind. I couldn't tell who was winning, until I a saw Lilly grow like 10 feet taller! She was huge!

I just stared at Lilly as she screamed at the vampire while sending spit and a death tone. When she took a step forward the whole ground shook and and I fell to the ground. This would defiantly attract a bunch of creatures towards here. This was no safe zone for me.

As I looked up at Lilly, I thought, "yeah, she's has this under control," and I was about to run, but I noticed something. "Wait since Lilly's so big now, it would be easier for her to be bitten by the vampire.. and then it just clicked and I knew exactly what to do.

"LILLLYYYYYY!!! YOU MIGHT WANT TO SHRINK OTHERWISE YOULL BE EASIER TO TARGET!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Lilly looked back at me and scoffed. "What did I do wrong?" I wondered to myself.

The vampire smirked and ran to Lilly, as she began to shrink to normal size.

Lilly's P.O.V

I was so mad that Emma just did that. Like I didn't know that. Oh but the vampire didn't know that, and now he does thanks to Emma. I can sense that this vampire is a very strong one, but he was kinda dumb, considering he has been a vampire for probably not that long, and hes a teenager so of course hes dumb. He doesn't think.

But It also didn't make sense. He's a new vampire, but he's so powerful. It's weird. Usually you would have to train for hundreds of years to be stronger, but he only seemed to be 2-3 years vampire wise. Unless he can take powers from other vampires, which seemed to be a vampire myth, but maybe not.

But I needed to remember that I was still fighting and he was charging after me. I tried to make an ice magic attack, but it would take longer than the time I had, to I jumped over him and he didn't even turn around to come face me again. He was going for Emma.

Emma's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do when I saw him running towards me so, I ran towards Lilly, which was behind him. "Maybe I can jump too!" I thought. But I knew that wasn't going to be possible the closer we got to each other, so right before he attacked, I swished to the side and he didn't see it coming for sure, but he quickly turned around but I was next to Lilly so I felt safer.

But then out of the blue, ice just spats out of Lilly's mouth. "What the hell?" I questioned myself.

The ice blast hit the vampire and he flew into a tree a couple feet back. Then as we were running back, I heard him yell, "Drake.."

I looked back but Lilly didn't notice right away. She was about 2 feet in front of me and she looked back at me. I was turned around to look at the Vampire.

"Who? What do you mean?" I called out to him.

"My name's Drake." The vampire said.

I was confused on why he told us, so I asked him. "Why did you tell us that?" I asked him, I sounded so confident. I liked it.

"Because I need your help." He said calmly.

I first thing I thought was ok.

Lilly's P.O.V

The first thing I thought was, what the fuck?

Emma's P.O.V

I wanted to help him, but then I asked myself, why did he attack us then? So I asked him again. "Why did you attack us then?!" I asked. I sounded a bit mad/confused.

"Because I thought your little wolf friend was a evil one. Guess I should've noticed her color was white, but I didn't think it matter. Say, why is the wolf here, and not with the rest of the good wolves?" He asked me. I didn't know, but Lilly did of course.

Lilly started barking and the vampire replied with, "oh," like she could talk. Could they talk to each other?

Lilly's P.O.V

The vampire asked me why I wasn't with the other, Light Wolves. But I wanted to know how he knew that I was a Light Wolf in the first place.

"Because I'm here to protect Emma. I love her and will protect her from all the Dark Wolves. She also doesn't know my full power. Which is a good thing." I replied like I was the queen giving orders. I liked it.

All he replied with was, "oh."


He noticed I looked mad and he said, "uhh, why you look so mad?"

"Nothing," I replied and was about to walk away, until he said, "They're after you."

Emma looked at him confused. He started to come towards her, but I stepped in front of Emma and growled, they both took a step back. Drake put his hands in the air, like someone would do if a gun was pointing at him.

"Who are?" I spat from my clenched teeth.

"Woah, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you anymore." He said as he took a small step back.

"Come and explain," I ordered. Emma still liked confused on what just took place.

He followed us to our cabin to tell me everything.

Wow, 1158 words. I'm impressed with myself. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to write the next chapter today too.

Guardians: My Best Friend (Book 1)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara