"The wind.." Mia whispered in awe as she closed her eyes and inhaled the addictively sweet and fragrant air around her, when she squinted, she could just barely make out faint colours. Pastel pink's and sky-blue's tinting the redolent breeze.

"This is beautiful!", Mia looked at the sky which was a sweet blue. She moved forward and stepped on the ruby and emerald stepping stones in front of her.

"Wha-", Mia cried as her feet sank in the stone." Ohh!", Mia exclaimed, moving her toes. The stone looked like it was hard but was actually really soft and furry. Mia smiled and jumped on the topaz stone as her feet sank in the amber fur.

"Where am I?", she wondered out-loud as she stepped on the aqua and jade footpath. Everything seemed happy and..and beautiful here! Even the people!

Mia looked around and started observing the people as she walked in no specific direction. Mia was shocked to see that the people appeared out of thin air! There would be a sizzle of colour and the person would walk out of the curtain of colours..just like that!

Little boys in strange outfits played with strange diamonded objects while the girls drew pictures on the ground with glittery chalk and they came alive!

An old woman tried to cross the busy street but failed multiple times when a smart guard approached her.

"Hey!? Don't you know it is against the law not to help a person in need!?", he shouted and gently took the old woman by her arm, leading her across the street.

Mia was unconsciously smiling as she observed everything.

"Excuse me miss," a male voice brought her back to her senses.

"Ye-yes?" Mia asked but realized a handsome male was talking to the lady standing right..on her!

"What even?", Mia exclaimed as she realized that she was invisible." Woah!" She cried as the man talked to the lady.

"You're blocking my exit," he replied in a smoky voice, pointing to the place where Mia and the other lady stood together.

Mia pulled funny faces at the man but he didn't respond.

"Oh sorry," the lady stepped aside and Mia did the same.

"Pfft, There is no exit here, dumb-head," Mia rolled her eyes.

"Thank you," the stranger replied.

There was a sudden shower of blue diamonds and he vanished.

"Woah!" Mia cried,"Awesome!", she poked herself but she felt solid, shrugging, she followed the marble path feeling like Dorothy when the sweet notes of a melodious voice travelled up to her and she followed the voice until she came to a beautiful couple standing on the road.

The man played the hologram of a violin- beautifully while euphonious words dripped from the woman's lips. A small crowd was gathered around them as Mia slipped in.

"Oh joy for the noble Queen and King."

Mia smiled and clapped along with the crowd as the woman's voice sang, loud and clear.

The proud, new mother and father

Mia tapped her feet to the rhythm as some couples danced.

A princess is born, so y'all sing.

Mia stopped clapping as a grave feeling settled in the pit of her stomach and she realized..

Oh joy for their royal daughter!"

The song was about her. She lowered her eyes and quickly shuffled out of the suffocating crowd.

Elemental EmpiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora