Part 1

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Natasha's pov.

It was another afternoon in Wakanda. The palace seemed so quiet from the window in Steve's room. Outside in the garden kids were playing. When the night came, the only thing that I could think of was me and Steve sitting in the garden, watching the stars above us.

I kept starring at him, he slept peacefully. My appetite increased and in that moment I wanned apple. I couldn't sleep so I thought that I could go to the kitchen and grab some.

I left Steve with kiss on his forehead.
I come in and took the apple, then started going away when I remembered how much I like orange juice. I returned back and opened the fridge. I took the orange juice and poured into my glass. I ate the apple and after I returned the juice in the fridge I begin walking back to Steve's room. My heart stopped for a moment when I from around the corner I saw a person standing in the dark, then he come out in the light.

My jaw dropped, the glass of juice slipped from my hand and crushed on the floor. I took a breath, covered my mouth with my hand. Steve was standing across the hall, five feet apart from me.

My heart was filled again, tears coming out of my eyes.

N: Steve... Steve, you're awake. I ran to him. Please never leave me again. I
I said while whipping my tears, then I embraced him. He didn't hug me, he kept standing and gave me an indifferent glare.

I managed to say "I love you so much", but he cut me off.

S: Agent Romanoff? He said in cold, emotionless voice.

I shocked my head, I couldn't say anything. I backed off and looked him in the eyes. His disoriented look scared me. He was so distant, so formal. Then he spoke again.

S: Where are we? Where is Loki? Why are we here when we are in the middle of a war? He was cold, colder than I was used to know him by. He was joyless, no emotions toward me could be spotted on his face.

I looked down and put my hand on my belly, sudden pain filled my body.

N: Steve...

I wasn't sure what to do. "Is this real?" My mind was asking myself. "No it's not. It couldn't be." I covered my mouth and then my face. My breaths got uneven. I moved my head in negative, then looked down.

S: Ma'am can you explain the situation? He was still looking at me cold-bladed.

N: Ste.. Captain...The battle in New York...That happened six years ago.

I swallowed my tears. My entire world collapsed on me.

He starred at me. I couldn't take this anymore. I let myself fall into deep darkness as I fainted in his arms. The last thing I heard was his shouting for help.

Steve's pov.

Who are those people? Why am I even here? They didn't want to explain anything to me, they thought it would be the best if Natasha explains it.

What happened all those years? Why I can't remember anything? I looked at he calendar on the wall and it was 2018. I was sure that is 2012, I only remember meeting her at the helicareer, Loki tooking the scepter, Coulson's death and then... then... everything is black.

She was laying on the bed, her hair was blonde, unlike her red curls. I thought that her hair makes her special, but she is so pretty anyway.

I was waiting for her to woke up. I needed answers. I don't know what happened to me and I was getting more inpatient as every minute passed.

The doctors said that the reason for this is stress and she'll be fine. Also the royal family along with the white wolf are out of the country for work. I didn't remember any of them.

The nurse mentioned that her pregnancy will be very difficult if she doesn't take more care of herself. I was shocked. Agent Romanoff? The Black Widow is pregnant? My mind exploded. I didn't know what to do or what could I do. But Agent Romanoff was the only one who I knew so I should wait for her to wake up.

The morning came and Agent Romanoff was still sleeping. The nurse told me to wait for her to woke up and finally she started opening her eyes.

Natasha's pov.

I blinked several times before opening my eyes. I looked down to my body and I found myself In hospital bed. I was confused. Then I looked up and saw Steve. Recalling last night was the most painful memory of my life. I was looking at Steve and he was starring at me, but I wasn't ready to face him, or the real world. Okoye was out of this country, I couldn't share my suffering with anyone.

S: Agent Romanoff...

He called me Agent Romanoff, and I wish instead of that he could punch me or kill me. It's less painful than looking in his eyes and not seeing love on them. He must leave me alone or I will start cry in front of him.

N: Captain I'm very tired now and I would like to sleep for the next few hours, but I can tell you...that you...were a hostage by HYDRA. They erased your memory.

This destroyed him. This is even worse than waking up after seventy years.

N: Luckily your serum helped a lot and that's why you remember everything except the last six years.

Tears were forming in my eyes. I was barely holding it anymore. Still he was cold. He looked down, I can't tell that my emotions ment something to him. But he wasn't good enough, he must take a rest as well.

S: Where are we? He was looking around the room with confused admiration.

N: In Wakanda. This is the safest place on the Earth for us, you don't need to worry for anything.

S: Why is this the safest place for us? He was clearly lost, but so am I.

N: Captain you need some sleep. I'll come to visit you later. My voice cracked at the end and I looked away.

He nodded and left.

I turned in the other side of the bed and started crying. I cried my eyes out and tired I fall asleep.

The first chapter is out. I hope you like the story. What do you think that is going to happen when they talk. Will Natasha tell him the truth? Do give your reviews.

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