Bully (AU)

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Prompt: what happens when Andy, the sweet, nerdy boy and his bully Rye get partnered up for a group project in english...

Andy: 16
Rye: 17

Warnings: Bullying, triggering topics, fluff, fem!Andy.

Cast: Rye, Andy, Brooklyn, Jack, Mikey, and Harvey.

Andy's POV:

i wake up, completely dreading today already. know the day hasn't even started but i just know it's gonna be a bad day, especially if i have to go to school where half of my classes contain Rye Beaumont, my school bully. 

"oi, fag get the fuck out of bed now!" my step-dad yells up the stairs. on second thought, i'd rather go to school.

i jump up out of my bed, making it before i jog over to my wardrobe, taking out my school clothes. i walk out of my room on my toes, just in case my step-dad was up here, before running into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

i get changed. this school doesn't really have a dress code so the students just kind of wear whatever. i wish i could though. i was itching to run back into my room to get my pink shirt and white pleated skirt, my knee-high black socks and my pink vans. 

oh i wish i could do that. but for now, i was stuck with white ripped skinny jeans, a random, slightly over-sized hoodie and my pair of subtle pink and white trainers. 

i look at myself in the tall mirror placed in front of me. i frown at my reflection. i push my black-framed glasses up my nose as they slide down. my dyed blonde hair is swooped across my forehead in it's natural style. 

i really hate how i look right now. i feel much better wearing what suits me best. but i can't because i'm afraid i'll get even worse responses than i already do with how i look. 

i look down before deciding to exit the bathroom. i think i'm just gonna skip breakfast today to avoid any confrontation with my step-dad. and with that, i walk back into my bedroom grabbing my bag, phone and earphones before walking back out and make my way down the stairs. 

once at the bottom i check to see if the step-douche is anywhere near my line of exit. gladly, as i peer into the living room, he's sat watching something on the tv. good. i slowly tip-toe my way to the front door which is gladly only a couple of feet away. 

i reach the door and open it as quietly as i can before slipng through the small gap i have made for myself, not wanting to open the door all the way in case it started squeaking. once i'm out and safe, i slowly close the door again. once i've heard the familiar click of the door closing, i take it as my cue to leave as i plunge my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, and continue walking with my head down.

in just ten minutes, i'm now at the school gates and only then do i look up. i see crowds of students mingling and one in particular stands out to me. my two best friends, Brook and Jack, leaning up against the wall of the school building, but just past them are my worst enemies. 

Rye was stood with his mates, Mikey and Harvey. all of a sudden, Rye's eyes lock with mine. i look down immediately. i don't know why, but when i looked into his eyes i didn't see the usual cold stare,  i saw something else. something that i just couldn't understand. it was weird. 

i just shake my head before gathering up some courage to walk towards Brook and Jack who have now noticed me, beckoning me over.

"Andy!!" they greet me with a hug. i hug back, silently wincing at the pain in my back from whee i was smashed into the school lockers yesterday. they let go and as soon as they do, the bell rings for for our first lesson. Jack and brook aren't in this lesson with me, sadly. but i betcha know who is! yep, you guessed it. Rye. (breaking the forth wall is fun)

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