Chapter 2- Sonic's Defeat, The End of Hope

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Just as Sonic was taking a run, he got a call from Tails about Eggman's forces attacking the city

"Sonic Eggman's forces are surging through the city, we need your help"

"I'm coming bud" When he arrived Sonic made a dramatic entry by crushing all of Eggman's robots

"is everyone ok?" he asked

"we are thanks to you. Cutting it kind of close, though pal" Tails said

"Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll," Sonic said, he then turned facing Eggman

"Okay, let's finish this Eggman!"

"actually it will be your finish, Sonic. Behold the power of my ultimate masterpiece!" Eggman shouted, Sonic spin-dashed towards him, however, suddenly he was knocked back by................Shadow!!!

"Shadow is that you?!" Sonic asked in surprise, one by one other enemies started showing up

"Zavok!?, Metal!?, Chaos!?" As the four stood across a surprised Sonic, a dark mysterious figure floated to the ground in front of the blue hedgehog. Sonic ran towards the dark figure to try and attack, but he missed

"What?" Sonic said, on the sidelines as he was watching the whole thing and was surprised as well as Sonic

"whoa! this guy is faster than Sonic!" Tails said as the figure started to float in the air, Sonic tried to attack him again, but the dark figure kicked him in the air, he then kicked Sonic once more to a wall making a crater. Sonic fell to the ground along with debris, as Tails continued to watch he noticed something about the figure

"no, wait! its something else. Gotta scan him and figure this out." While Tail was scanning the dark figure, Sonic was fighting all five enemies as best he could but, was failing miserably

"Tails! I need to know what's going on with this guy!" Sonic said desperately

"I'm trying, Sonic, but these readings are all messed up! They don't make sense!"

Sonic continued to get beaten around

"running out of time Tails! urg!" However, the dark figure kicked Sonic down to the ground hard, Sonic tried to get up, but ended up back down to weak and exhausted to continue fighting on, just as his eyes were about to close Tails shouted out his name as the dark figure floated down next to him.


Infinite's POV

While I was fighting Sonic with my creations, I was thinking about Aurora, wondering if she's going to try to escape again, or if she's eating properly. Wanting to end this battle quickly, I kicked Sonic hard to the ground. I floated down in front of him, making sure he was unconscious I then picked up Sonic and threw him to Eggman

"do what you want with him" I said, before flying away to the base in Metropolis. As I walking to the hidden room, I started to slightly hear a soft voice, singing. 

Walking closer to the room the singing grew louder, knowing who it was I walked faster to the hidden room stopping in front of the door. I continued to listen to Aurora sing, feeling my heart warm, I place my hand on the door while leaning my head against it 'what has she done to me?' I thought sighing.

As soon as she finished singing I opened the door, Aurora was seating on the bed with her knees to her chest, a shackle was around her ankle that was attached to a chain connected to a wall.

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