Proluge - Y/n's Origin

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L/n Y/n, a fierce girl with a strong personality. She doesn't let anyone talk her down and she's clearly stubborn when it comes to arguments.
Despite all that, she's a determined girl who wants to become a hero.

Her strong personality hasn't been made all by herself. She comes from a lovely family. Having a father who is a great hero, a lawyer as a mother and her two-year-older brother, Yuuichiro.
Her strong mind has been nourished from the day she was born. And having to survive with her goofy brother, who happens to go to U.A, soon starting his second year.

The girl goes to a private school, having Todoroki Shouto as her fellow classmate. They have known each other from kindergarten and they are really close.
Y/n knows the troubles he faces with his father and it makes her blood boil, having to hold back every time she's seen Endeavor face to face.
But Shouto has encouraged her to wait, he has his own plans once he starts at U.A. He is going to reject his father completely. The girl doesn't know what he means, but trusts in her friend.

However, their last year of middle school is starting soon and Y/n has been transferred to an ordinary school. She was first furious as to why her parents made that decision, but came to understand the reason why.

So she had to tell Shouto the news as well..

"Why?...." Shouto looked down at his desk, his bangs covering his eyes.

The girl sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll see you at U.A okay?" She gave him a reassuring smile.

He looked up, meeting her determined eyes.

"You better be there" His lips curved into a small smirk.

She arched an eyebrow with a playful smirk in return.

"Oh, you know I will"

Y/n is going to miss her dual-haired friend, but it is just a year right? Before she knows it, she'll be standing in front of the U.A building with Shouto.

It's not just going to be a pointless year, this year will be life changing for her.

And control is just an illusion.


"Giving up is not an option...fight"

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