Avoiding friends;A Visitor

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Weiss P.O.V.
It's been four days since Derek has started avoiding us and it hurts a lot. None of us know or understand why he's doing this. The weird thing is each time Ryan and Coal look at Derek and back at us it looks like they want to tell us something but can't. It makes me feel suspicious and angry. If they know what's wrong with my wolf demon I want to know too. I saw them go to the library and followed.
Coal: Ryan I know you wanna tell the others but you can't. Its Derek's job to do that ok?
Ryan: *sigh* I just wanna help him. He's been nothing but kind to me despite all I am. Most people run and hide after I tell them what I am but Derek smiled and said it didn't affect our friendship.
What exactly were they meaning by help Derek? I wanted to know so I stepped out from behind the bookshelf.
Weiss: Ahem!
They jumped well Ryan did just a little while Coal just looked annoyed.
Coal&Ryan: Hey Weiss.
Coal: How much did you hear?
I crossed my arms and started tapping my foot. They could tell immediately how much I heard and how angry I was.
I was, as you can tell, furious. Not just because Ryan and Coal knew what was wrong with my wolfie but also that Derek hadn't told me!
Coal: Weiss we can't say. It's up to Derek to tell or not to tell.
I could feel tears beginning to form in my eyes. Whatever it was I wanted to help Derek get through it. Weiss: Wait what if it's something involving his demon heritage?
Ryan: It does Weiss.
I looked at Ryan baffled.
Weiss: Did you hear my thoughts?
Ryan then nodded and smiled.
Ryan: It's part of my semblance. I can read thoughts and see dreams and.....nightmares.
He was hesitated at saying nightmares and that's when it clicked. Derek use to have nightmares earlier in the year but they stopped after awhile. Did they really come back?
Weiss: I gotta find him!
I turned to run but Coal grabbed my arm.
Coal: Weiss he needs to do this on his own.
I could feel the tears running  down my face.
Weiss: But he's my boyfriend I have to help him. I have to do something!
Ryan looked at me and then my stomach but when he did his eyes widened.
Ryan: Weiss...Are you pregnant?
I look at him nervously and nod.

Derek P.O.V.
I was in the training room hitting the punching bag. My nightmare playing over and over in my head. Each time my friends die I punch harder. Ruby and Yang die I give the bag a one-two punch. Blake dies I deliver an uppercut. Jaune dies another punch, Pyhrra dies another punch, Ren and Nora die and I double punch the bag. Coal, Alice and Ryan all die and I deliever nine punches. My father kills Emerald and I throw eight punches. Finally he slits Weiss's throat and I goes berserk. One punch leads to ten and ten leads to twenty and it keeps building. I finally deliever a right hook filled with every amount of rage in me busting the bag open. I stand there panting.
Derek/Kered: He will not get to them. He will not harm them. I. Will. Kill. Him.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I look back to see Coal and Ryan a few feet back while Weiss is clinging to me. She begins to cry and all my rage disappears.
Weiss: Derek. Please stop avoiding us. *sob* Don't shut me out. Let me help you. Please.
I turn around and wrap my hands around her. I've been so stupid. By shutting her and my friends out I've hurt her and my friends.
Derek: Weiss *she looks up at me and I start to sob* Im so sorry. I've been a dunce.
She smiled and kissed me. After a little while we parted.
Weiss: Yea but you're my dunce.
We once again kiss and I know now. That I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

~Timeskip brought to you by Derek telling his friends about the nightmares and his father~

??? P.O.V.
I stepped through the portal and saw my father speaking to wait is that uncle Derek?
Coal: Derek your father is coming and we need to prepare.
I stepped forward to him.
???: Dad....Uncle Derek?
They both looked at me confused.
Coal: Wait if you're my son then that means....
???: That Cinder is my mom? Yep.
Derek laughed and patted my back. In my time his smile has lost all meaning. He's broken there.

A/N: Thanks again to GhostAssassinWriter for giving me this idea. Also go read his book the third branwen. It's pretty good.

*Weiss enters waving something*

Weiss: A/N! Im pregnant.

A/N: Congrats who's the father. Oh wait right. Until next time Kill Them With Kindness Kiddos!

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