A Friendship Renewed

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Four years later
3rd P.OV.

Weiss sat in her dorm with her team with each one doing their own after classes activities. Yang was brushing her hair while talking about boys, Blake was reading, Ruby was being her childish self and Weiss was studying. But Weiss would get distracted every now and again when she thought of her friend who left to join Atlas' Specialist Program. She remembered yelling at her father and crying herself to sleep when she heard Derek's contact was terminated. Over time he almost faded from her memory but part of him still lingered in her head causing her to either cry or become depressed.
Yang: Did you guys here about the new students coming today?
Weiss snapped back to reality after hearing what Yang said.
Weiss: New students? Why so early?
Yang shrugged.
Yang: I don't know. I just hope there are some cute boys.~
Weiss groaned, Blake rolled her eyes and Ruby threw a pillow at her sister.
Weiss got up and started to leave but Ruby stopped her.
Ruby: Hey Weiss. *Weiss looked at her* How come you've been walking around alot on your own and crying recently?
Blake: Neptune cheated on her remember?
Weiss sighed. It's true that she and Neptune had been an item about a week ago and she loved him for the three months they were together. But sadly it was nothing more than a way for him to gain the attention of some ,in Yang's words, whore. It broke Weiss's heart and it made her think of her friend Derek who would've instantly nearly killed Neptune because of how much pain the blue-haired jackass had caused her.
Weiss: No Blake it isn't that. *Her teammates looked at her confused* I'm semi-over that.
RBY: Then what's wrong Weiss???
Weiss: *Sigh* When I was thirteen my family was attacked by the White Fang we had bodyguards and Atlas soldiers defend us but it was a losing battle. My bodyguards became gravely wounded and for sometime I was left unguarded. Until a Wolf Faunus with a katana ran to where I was he protected me and then he later defeated the remaining White Fang. After that he became my bodyguard but four years ago he left and joined the Atlas military. I was angry at him and my father. I eventually forgave him but not my father. After awhile I almost forgot about him but he still lingers in my mind and when Neptune cheated on me I just kept thinking of what Derek, that's his name, would do. And *Weiss starts to cry* I just miss him so much.
Her team, all of which were in tears, comforted her.
RBY: *sob* Don't cry Weiss we're here for you.
Weiss: Thank you guys your the best.

Weiss stood outside waiting for the new students to arrive. She mostly did this to clear her mind and access the new competition.
Weiss: (Thoughts) I wonder if maybe Derek will be one of them. No, no Weiss. Don't get your hopes up.
???: Weiss! Hey Weiss
Weiss turned around and saw a certain Blue-Haired boy running towards her.
Weiss: Oh no not Neptune. What do you want you lying bastard!
Neptune: Easy Ice Queen. I just wanna talk about us.
Weiss was furious at his words.
Weiss: Us?! Us?! There is no us! You cheated on me! You clearly never loved me!
Weiss turned away and started to leave but Neptune grabbed her arm.
Weiss: Let me go this instant!
Neptune: Not until you say we're dating again. Until them I'll-
He was interrupted by a red pistol being put to his head.
???: I believe Ms. Schnee asked you to let go. So I suggest you let go. Unless *puts a white pistol under Neptune's chin* you want to leave Beacon in a body bag.
Neptune let go of Weiss's arm. Weiss could tell he was shaking in fear.
???: Smart move. Now leave
Neptune then ran as fast as he could and didn't stop until he was inside Beacon.
Weiss: Thank you for that. *she reached her hand out the the boy who helped her* I'm--
???: Weiss Schnee. I know who you are Ms. Schnee and unless you've forgotten all about me you should know who I am.
Weiss looked at the boy closely and studied his features.
???: Maybe if I move the eyepatch and took off my beret *he moved his eyepatch and took off his beret revealing a crimson eye and wolf ears* Jog any memories yet?
Weiss's eyes went wide and she smiled.
Weiss: Derek!
She then wrapped her arms around him hugging him while crying tears of joy. Derek hugged her back wiping her tears away.
Derek: It's good to see you again Ice Queen.

A/N: There's chapter one all done. And yay Weiss has her best friend back!

Weiss: Yay. Thank you A/N! *kisses A/N on the cheek*

A/N: W-w-welcome Weiss. Ill see you guys in chapter two where Derek will go through initiation and get a team. Until then Kill em with Kindness kiddos!

Demons Love Too (Weiss X OC Faunus/Demon)Where stories live. Discover now