Liv Moore - Under the Stars

Start from the beginning

"Did you get a tattoo?" he inquired, ready to whine about having not been informed.

Liv's brow furrowed in confusion as she glanced down at the exposed skin. Her eyes widened as she held her arm up for a closer look and read your name written elegantly across her limb.

The Englishman quirked a brow. "You know what that means, don't you?"

The blonde shook her head.

Ravi rolled his eyes. "It means that my sister is your soulmate."

Had Liv not been a zombie, a blush would have stained her pale cheeks. Instead, a grin split her lips. "What do I do?"

"Give me your phone."

Once it was in his possession, Ravi programmed your number into Liv's contacts. Passing the phone back, he said, "Ask her out."

"You sure you're okay with that?"

He shrugged. "I'll get over it. Go get your girl."

Liv's grin widened as she quickly typed a message.

Upon entering your apartment, your phone chimed, and you produced it from your coat pocket to check the notifications. A text from an unsaved number sat at the top of the notification bar.

Hey, this is Liv from the morgue...

Once inside, you set your keys on the kitchen table and opened the message to view it fully.

Hey, this is Liv from the morgue. Ravi gave me your number. I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me? I'd love to get to know you and... your name kind of appeared on my arm.

A girlish giggle escaped your throat as you opened your keyboard and sent a response.

To: Liv

I'd love to. Your name is on my arm too... How about the café I work at? We got some pretty good food.

From: Liv

Sounds perfect. Meet me there in an hour?

To: Liv

I'll be there.

The next half hour was spent scouring your closet in search of something suitable to wear. Half of your closet was black t-shirts and fitted jeans that you had bought for work. The other half was flannel button-downs and sweatpants for your days off. You didn't own much in the way of date clothing.

You found a fitting blouse and denim mini skirt (1) in the bottom of your wardrobe and pulled them on. After running a brush through your hair and spritzing yourself with your favorite perfume, you slipped on your favorite shoes, plucked your keys from where you'd left them on the table, and headed out to the café.

Nerves settled in as you approached the front door, and butterflies fluttered relentlessly in your belly. Liv was easy to spot as soon as you stepped inside, her platinum hair contrasting with the golden glow of the hanging lamps.

Forcing your feet to move, you shuffled to the back of the café where the blonde was seated. She smiled up at you as you sat across from her. Your coworker approached your table, smirking subtly at you before taking your orders. You might have mentioned to her during your shift that you were attracted to your brother's blonde assistant.

"For the record," Liv began, "I wanted to ask you out anyway, not just because of the soulmate thing."

"For the record," you countered with a grin, "I wanted you to ask me out."

She chuckled softly as your drinks arrived, and you both ordered food. The night was spent laughing and sharing stories, but the time soon came for the café to close. You insisted on paying for your half of the bill, and Liv only agreed under the compromise that she would pay the tip. The two of you then headed out into the night, unsure of where to go from there but desperate to keep the date alive.

You ended up in the parking lot of the local park, sitting atop the hood of your car. You were both leaning back against the windshield, gazing up at the dark navy Seattle sky, decorated with glistening stars.

A pale hand reached out for yours, and your fingers immediately wrapped around hers. Her head turned at the same time as yours, and you returned the bright, content smile that crossed her lips.

"I'm glad you're my soulmate," she whispered, squeezing your hand.

"Me too," you murmured. You shifted closer to her, resting your head on her shoulder. Her arm slid beneath your head to wrap around your shoulders, allowing you to lie on your side and rest your head on her chest. Your arm draped over her abdomen and you closed your eyes, relaxing into her soft embrace. There you stayed until well past dawn, only leaving your comfortable positions when Liv's phone blew up with missed calls from Ravi asking why she was so late to work.

(1) If you wouldn't wear that then imagine yourself wearing something else. Don't leave comments complaining about how that's not your style. 

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