Getting a friend

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Felix's P.O.V
We were walking in these tunnels for ages. It literally felt like years. "Um hate to interrupt this awkward and uncomfortable silence but how long have we been in these tunnels?" Dan asked the question we were all too afraid to ask. "Well, in your time it's been 20 minutes. In the tunnels time, it's been about a day or two." Darkiplier explained. "Wait how does that even work?" I asked. "This tunnel isn't a real tunnel. This was created by Warfstache, me, and all of Marks other sides. We created these tunnels to get in between worlds." "What in between worlds? What do you mean by that?" Phil asked. "Well, every time a side is cannonly created, we are put into the Side verse, as we call it. Everyone's sides start their first. If we become a big part of you and your fandom, then we become physically apart of you. You won't even know that we're apart of you. Anyhow, to get to you, we have to go through these tunnels. We are taking the tunnels from the real world to the Sides world." Dark explained. "Why are we going there?" Jack asked. "I told you we were going to go get some friends. We still have one more to get." "Who?" "Googleplier."
Ethan's P.O.V
I didn't have time to stare at a manhole cover to see what would pop out, so I continued to run. I didn't even know where I was going. This place was huge! I continued to run until I saw a gate. I assumed it was the exit so I charged towards it. When I got closer, I saw that there was a sign on it. "Gate to the other world." "Other world?" I asked out loud. I didn't have enough time to question it before I heard Warfstache scream my name. I threw open the gate and entered. I quickly closed the gate and looked around. This "other world" just looked like the same tunnels from A Series Of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. Either way, I started to walk around. I still needed to find help. I choose a path and started to walk that way until I felt someone grab me.
Jacks P.O.V
"Googleplier?" Phil asked out loud. "Yes. He's another part of Mark. Unlike Warfstache and I, Googleplier lives in the Side World." Dark explained. "Why do we need his help?" Felix asked. "And why does he live in the Side World?" I asked. "We need his help because he's one of the strongest sides. He's almost as strong as Warfstache himself, especially since his upgrade. And he lives in the Side world because he is in a relationship with Bing and doesn't want to leave his side." "Ah," Phil cooed. We continued our walk. After a while, we started to hear screaming. "What was that?" Dan asked panicked. The screaming got louder and I soon realized who was screaming. "That's Ethan!" I said starting to run towards the screaming. When I arrived there, I saw Ethan being held in a headlock by another one of marks sides. When everyone caught up, Dark was the first to speak. "Google?" When he said that, the man holding Ethan smiled. "H-Hello th-there Dark. It-it's nice to s-s-see you again." I looked at google and watched him loosen his grip on Ethan allowing him to free himself. He ran over to me and wrapped me in a hug which I reciprocated. When he pulled away he began to ask a few questions. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Where am I and why are you guys here? Also why is Dan and Phil here? And Felix? And do you know who the fuck he is?" I was about to answer his questions when Dark interrupted. "How did you even get here? This place is locked off to non sides." "I found a gate and went through it trying to escape Warfstache. Then I ran into this guy," Ethan said pointing to Google," before he scared the shit out of me and put me in a headlock," Ethan explained. "Listen Ethan, we don't have time to explain, but can you tell us where Mark and the others are?" Felix asked. "There at the manor I just came from. Marks out cold, but from what I know Amy and Tyler are ok." I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. I watched Dark turn back to Google. "Google, can you please help us take down Warfstache. He's gotten too powerful for me stop alone." Dark explained. "How s-s-strong as h-he become?" "He's almost strong enough to kill weaker sides and humans." Google looked shocked at that. "Wait hold the phone," Dan said catching our attention, "so this fictional character created by Mark can now kill us!" "Can someone please explain exactly what the fuck is going on!?" I asked. "Basically, since we are fictional sides of Mark, we can technically kill him, but only him. We can't even kill other sides because Mark and his fans hold that power. But if Warfstache gets strong enough, he will have the power to kill anyone. That's why we need to stop him before it's too late." What the actual fuck. "That's fucking great," Dan said sarcastically. "If I would have known we would end up fighting a ducking fictional guy that could kill us I wouldn't have dragged you guys into this," I said do everyone. "No Jack it's not your fault," Phil tried to defend me. "It's D-D-Dark's and W-W-Warfstache's f-fault. If-f you g-g-guys would h-have l-l-listened to m-me then th-th-this wouldn't h-h-have h-h-happened." "Great more backstory! When can we wrap this shit up?" Felix yelled. "Yeah it's great that we are learning about all your guys' angsty past, but we've got friends to save," Ethan said. "Yeah so unless you two gave a plan I recommend shutting the fuck up," Dan added. "Damn," Dark said shocked. "Sorry but as we speak Mark, Tyler, and Amy could be dead," I said. "And that Warfstache could be killing more. So, let's stop adding more drama and actually form a plan." Phil said. "Alright well, here's the plan."

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