Start from the beginning

    Dean stops talking, looking a little mad as he sighs. I take another cigarette from the pack. "Clearly whiskey isn't doing the trick for you," I say, offering him the cigarette but he only rolls his eyes.

     "I'm sorry, Dean," I say a little later. We've been standing in silence for a few minutes, Dean standing against the Impala. He furrows his eyebrows as I come around to stand next to him.

    "For what?" He says.

    "For... breaking my promise," I say. "For leaving."

    Dean is quiet for a moment. "Yeah, I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." He turns to look at me. I furrow my eyebrows.

    I hear footsteps behind me. "Go away," I say.

    "You're not the boss of me," a strange voice says. Both of us turn and see a dark skinned woman with a brown leather jacket on, her arms crossed over her chest.

    "Billie," Dean greets the woman. I furrow my eyebrows. They know each other? "What are you doing here?"

    "My job," the woman says. Dean scoffs, playing with the tip of his flask.

    "Well, I'm not dead yet," he tells her. Oh, so she's a reaper.

    "Shame," She says. Then she steps forward. "But actually, I just finished inside. I was reaping a fresh soul." I feel my heart start to beat faster as Dean and I look at each other, fear for the people we love inside.

    Dean goes to the door first. "So, you're a reaper?" I ask Billie as Dean tries the door.

    "Yep," Billie says in a bored tone as Dean tries and fails to open the door. It doesn't budge. "And you're Bailey Mitchell. You're almost as famous as him," she gestures to Dean. I smile, tilting my head to the side like I'm flattered.

    "What's going on in there?" I say, looking to Billie.

    "You can huff and puff but that house is on supernatural lockdown," Billie tells Dean who is pulling at the door handle and yelling for his brother. "They can't even hear you."

    "What did you do?" Dean asks lowly as he still can't get the door open.

    "Wasn't me," Billie says. "I don't get my hands dirty. Rules. I just clean up the mess. Still, between us, it's always nice to see a Winchester who can't get what he wants."

    "Wait," Dean says, and then he looks at me. "Your powers. Can you get us inside?" He comes forward urgently.

    "I don't know," I respond. I've hardly used them in actual emergencies. "They've been all over the place lately—"

    "Can you try?!" Dean says urgently, almost yelling in my face. I scoff and walk around him, towards the door.

   "You could ask nicely, you asshole," I mutter as I raise my hands at the door. I close my eyes, trying to focus, trying to get energy to move down my arms, but nothing happens.

    "Sometime today, Bailey!" Dean says urgently from behind me. I feel angry towards him.

    "Would you shut up?!" I exclaim.

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