"Most of you may know that this is my wife, Brittany, and that we got married in September." Santana says and I take a sip of my coffee

"Yeah, um, didn't our invitation get lost in the mail?" someone asks and Santana laughs

"I know that most of you weren't able to come because of timing, but I have asked all of you to come here today to watch the taping of our wedding. This is the one time of the year where almost everyone is together and I really want you guys to be apart of this."

The TV behind me flickers and I turn around and see a picture of Santana and I and the title reads "Brittana Wedding." I laugh before drinking more coffee that needs more sugar.

I sit down on the couch next to the girl with light brown hair. I sit the coffee down on the floor before pulling my phone out.

"It must be weird," the girl says and I give her a confused look, "Santana's wife and first love together in the same place."

"I'm sorry. Did you say first love?"

"Yeah," she nods her head and a smile forms on her face, "I'm Zoey. I'm surprised Santana never told you about me."

"Yeah, especially since you were her first love." I say, trying not to laugh

Oof. Who does this bitch think she is? Telling me that she was Santana's first love when everyone else knows that I'm playing three roles; the first love, the last love, and the wife. But it is weird that Santana never told me. Part of me wants to dig but another part of me wants to sleep.

"So, you and Santana...."

"Dated," She says, finishing my sentence, "Not publicly but we still had something in our bedrooms."

I cringe at what she just said and try to not to say something really mean. I mean, she's definitely not ugly but the things she's saying is kind of making me not like her. You don't say things like that to someone's wife.

Santana sits in between us and looks at both of us with confused looks.

"I see you guys have met." Santana says more like a question

"Yeah, I was just telling her about all the fun times we had before I moved away." Zoey says and I roll my eyes

"Stop before she files for divorce," Santana says and Zoey laughs. Santana looks at me and places her hand on my leg, "You sure you don't want to go to sleep?"

"Actually," I say as I pick the mug up, "I think I'm just gonna go home."

"What happened?" Santana asks as I stand up

"Nothing I'm just really tired," I say before bending down and kissing her on the cheek, "I'll talk to you later."

I say bye to everyone else before walking into the kitchen and leaving the empty mug in the sink. As I'm walking towards the front door, Santana jumps in front of me.

"What happened? And don't give me a bullshit ass answer."

"I promise you, I'm just really tired."

Santana shakes her head, "If you were tired then you would've just went to my room but you're going to your parent's house because something happened."

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