lady sex !!

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Santana's Point of View

I'm over this.

I'm over arguing with Brittany every other and day. I'm over being immature and not talking things out and I'm over not wanting Brittany to hang out with Chantel.

They're friends and if they want to hang out then they should. I trust Brittany and now I just need to learn how to trust Chantel.

Last time I talked to Brittany was on Tuesday. It's now Friday. We haven't been avoiding each other, we just don't talk when we see each other. I still sat with her at lunch and I walked to class with her, but it was just quiet.

It was like we were talking through facial expressions.

And like I said, I'm over it.

So when I got home from cheer practice, I showered and put on my tightest pair of ripped jeans, I ran the flat iron through my hair, and I went to Jewels and got a bouquet of lilies.

Lilies are the lesbian of flowers.

And now I'm standing on Brittany's front doorstep holding the flowers and a box of chocolate in the other.

I was expecting Brittany to open the door but instead Chantel does.

Of course.

"Hey," I say, forcing a smile, "Is Brittany here?"

She moves to the side and I step in, "Yeah, she's in her room. Let me go get her for you."

"No," I say a little bit too quickly, "I got it." I smile as I walk past her.

Fake ass bitch.

I knock on her open door before walking in.

"Santana," she says sitting up, "What are you doing here."

I hold out the flowers and chocolate, "It's Friday. Date night."

She takes them out of my hand, "You can't tell me to leave, and threaten to breakup with me, and then show up to my house thinking we're going on a date."


"Right," I say looking down at Lord Tubbington who's brushing against my leg, "Are you and Chantel going out?"

She drops the flowers on her bed and opens the box of chocolate, "No, Lord Tubbington and her cat, Mismo, had a sleepover last night and she's here to pick Mismo up." She puts a piece of chocolate in her mouth and then sticks the box out towards me, "Want some?"

I laugh, "No thanks."

She shrugs, "I'll be right back."

I nod and she walks out.

I came here to talk everything out with Brittany. I'm gonna tell her everything I'm feeling and then hopefully she tells me everything she's feeling.

I just want a happy and healthy relationship with her, and it's only gonna turn out like that if we're honest with each other.

Brittany walks back in holding a vase with water in it. She takes the lilies out of the bag and put them in the vase and then places the vase on her dresser.

She looks at me and smiles, "Why lilies?"

"Lilies are the lesbian of flowers."

She laughs and sits down on the edge of her bed.

"Isn't Chantel still here?" I ask, feeling bad that she's downstairs by herself

"Oh, no." Brittany laughs, "I went downstairs to let her out."

santana and brittany Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora