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David, 1st of March

David was on his way to the TV4 building where he worked. It was a sunny day so he decided to take a walk instead of the car or bus which he usually did. Because it was a beautiful day and warmer than ever for a day this early in April, David had muted his phone so that he could peacefully enjoy the moment. Little did he know that these would be his last minutes to thoroughly being able to enjoy anything for a long while.

She was a few minutes past eight when David reached the building. He entered the huge glass doors and noticed that it was surprisingly quiet. For a while he thought that it must have been an April fools joke. The front desk was empty and there were no sign of any people.

"Haha, really funny. Where are everyone?", said David while laughing to himself.

No one answered so he started to walk towards his office. The walk from the front desk to his office passed a corridor full with pictures of some of the more famous employees at TV4 and it also passed the common room. Approaching the common room David started to hear people chatting and he finally saw a person, a woman. He did not know her name but was sure that she worked on another production.

"Have you heard the news?", she asked while passing David.

The woman was walking fast and had a worrying expression on her face. She took up her phone and it seemed like she was about to call someone.

"I don't think so I just came in.", he replied.

When he walked into the common room he felt people glancing at him in a strange way. Most was texting, talked on the phone or had a heated conversation with each other. There were a lot of emotions in the room, many were upset, angry and worried.

"David have you heard the news?", asked Tilde, his co-host on Dancing With the Stars.

"What news? Why are we all here?", David asked.

"The government just made an announcement that a Hunger Game is being held in two moth. Everyone between the ages of fifteen and twenty five has to participate.", Tilde quickly explained.

"What? A Hunger Game. Like the book?", David asked.

"Yes.", said Tilde.

"No... Come on, that must be a joke.", said David and laughed nervously.

"Every government in the world has announced the same thing and it's not something they would joke about. Anyways, I have to make a call.", she said and rushed away.

David was confused and stunned. He was loosely moving his hands, searching for something in his pockets and after some time took up his phone. He pressed the home button and saw that the lock screen was full of notices. He had missed calls and messages from both family and friends plus some news flashes. "No, this can't be true", he said to himself. While realizing that the Game was not a joke he remembered that two of Tilde's children were in the ages between fifteen and twenty five. He did not know what to feel or say. In a mechanical manner he unlocked his phone and called his wife.

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